🎥The Movies🍫

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Armon POV:

So me and Tiana got us a ticket to see that new Avengers Movie.We got some popcorn, candy and drinks and sat in the middle so we could easily get out the movies (because today was crowded).

We sat down and someone came to sit about three rows back from us.Me and Tiana ain't pay no attention to that person it was just odd they was wearing all black with a hoodie.

After about thirty minutes unto the movies we see a flash of light go off so we turn around and the person is taking pictures of me and Tiana.The person quickly walks out the theater.

A-Bae I'll be right back!
T-Ok be careful babe!*pecks my lips*

I follow and stop this person.

A-Excuse me were you taking pictures of me and my wife??
Person-*Takes off the hood*Yea I was just handling business!
(It turns out it's a man)
A-Well imma need you to first off imma need you to delete those pictures second off imma need you to leave me and my wife alone!!
Man-I ain't bout to do nothing but my job!
A-What you mean?
Man-I just came to take pictures of your wife that's all I was told!I don't want no problems!
Man-Please don't talk so loud, they just snatched my daughter from me and told me to take pictures of y'all or they'll kill my daughter
Man-Idk my name is Jason just hurry and get your wife and get outta here!
A-Alright call me if you need something for your daughter! *gives him my number*
Jason-Thanks man!

I run and look for Tiana and she's not in the theater!I try to call her and it goes straight to voicemail.I go outside and look at a black van speed off so I run to my car and follow it full speed

I think they know I'm following them because they start to speed up fast! They turn down a alley and almost cause me to wreck.I turn around a go down the alley and I can't see them anywhere.

I call Trey and the rest of the squad (conference call)!

A-Ayye Idk wtf just happened bro!*starts crying*
Trey-Ayo bro wtf happened?
Q-Both y'all calm down!Armon what happened?
A-I went to the movies with Tiana and this man was taking pictures of Tiana and he ran out the movies and I went to ask him why and he was talk on some crazy junk and told me to get Tiana and get out of the movies! But when I went back she wasn't there so I saw this black van and followed it then lost it cause it almost made me wreck!
Clarence-Calm down bro!You don't have location on her phone?
A-Your rights let's go!
Trey-If y'all going I'm going!
Tray-Me too!
Jazz-Me too!
Queen-No Jazz it's bad enough one of our girls are in danger we don't need you to be either!
Jazz-Alright imma stay and make sure nothing happens to the rest of the girls!
A-Alright let's go!*goes upstairs to get his gun*
Airi-Y'all please be careful!
Queen-Yes please!
*Clarence kisses Queen and Tray kisses Queen*

We get in the car and look at the location and it shows up at a gas station!

We start driving and when we finally get to the gas station we spot the black van and slowly follow it and some how they spot us behind them and started to go faster!
A-Alright y'all they know we behind them so Trey(who was in the front seat) grabbed the wheel I'm going to shoot the back tires!
Armon-What you mean hold up nigga my wife is in that van!
Trey-Nigga there could be a million niggas in the back of that van loaded with guns!
Clarence-Just wait till they stop just slow down!

About 20 minutes later they stop at a motel and we park a little farther than them.

A-Aye I see Tiana!!*points to Tiana*

Tiana POV:

I am scared of my life and my babies lives!(Armon and our rainbow baby)

I was in the movies when I went to look for Armon because the movie was almost over but someone grabbed me before I could get to the door and put a gun to my back.I wanted to scream or say something but I just couldn't I was just frozen in this moment!All I could do was cry he took me out of the back exit and put a pillow case over my head and threw me in the back of his van.I got in and heard him talking to a girl and told her to tie me up.If you know me I ain't going out without a fight and start kicking and punching her until the driver pushed the breaks and cocked his gun.
"Try something funny again and I'll kill you and your baby!"he said holding the gun to my stomach.

But how did he know I was pregnant? I just wondered and wondered about who could this be I only told Armon and Trey and they would never tell a secret like this to anyone!

We stopped and he grabbed me and asked the girl or lady if she had the keys ready and to open the door.

I realized that we were at a house or something.As soon as he got me up the stairs(She didn't tie  my legs up) I quickly turned around and kicked him down the stairs and all of a sudden I hear Armon!
I just started crying until out of no where I felt a knife against my neck!

"Don't you dare do anything or I'll kill her!"she said
T-Mon please just do what she says I don't want anyone hurt!
A-Don't worry baby girl I'm here with everyone else just stay calm! Now listen we don't no harm just give us her and we won't call the police or anything!
Lady-No just leave and we keep her!
A-We'll give you money how much you want?
Lady-I don't want fucking money! You killed my brother!!
A-You know what fine then!Don't get scared just remember that time we went to see that movie and they were feeding the DUCKS!
T-Oh yea!And the mom told the BABY DUCK to eat!
A-Tiana were gonna count to three and just breathe!Ok!
Lady-No don't do anything!
A-Please she's pregnant she can't have that much stress on her or she can harm our baby!
Lady-Fine, breathe and that's it after that your gonna leave!
A-Tiana 1...in...out...2...in...out...3!

I duck as quick as possible and all I hear is a gun go off and screams from the lady!I seriously start to lose my breath!

A-Tiana!!! *takes the pillowcase off my head*Breathe 1...in...out...2...in...out...3!
T-*Starts to breathe with the pattern*Armon?
A-Yes baby!
T-I love you so much *starts to cry* like nobody knows how much I love you!!!
A-It's ok were here stop crying, And I love you with everything I have and I would never ever ever let anything happen to you or our baby!!*wipes my face and pecks my lips*
T-Let's go home!
A-Alright!Aye we getting ready to go home!
Trey-Alright let's go!

We all get in the car and I look at the man that I pushed down the stairs and my heart stops!It's the man from CVS!

A-What's wrong baby!!
T-That man!He's from CVS when I went to get the pregnancy test he was smiling and staring at me!
Clarance-Don't worry Tiana don't worry you ain't gon see him no more!

All of a sudden my heart is warm and soft!I love my baby and my brothers and they girls!Family is everything!!
T-Thank y'all for everything y'all are the best!!!!
All of them-Don't thanks us were supposed to do this your our sis!
A-Yea thank y'all!Y'all know God forbid if anything happens to y'all or y'all girls we'll do the same!

Before I knew it I fell asleep and Armon woke me up to take a shower because I was all dirty and my clothes were kind of ripped up!So I took a shower and went down stairs to talk to my family!!!!

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