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Once I had all my things packed, I was granted and silent, and rather tense car ride that was controlled by my Aunt. My bags were in the back seat. We pulled up to a big house, it shone brightly compared to the other houses on the street.

"Get out now." My aunt pushed me away as she spoke. I granted her with a dirty look directly before exiting the car. I retrieved all my things from the back seat and carried them to the porch. I knocked my fist against the red door, and waited in fear for someone to open the door.

"Hello young lady. You must be Mia." A brown haired lady who opened the door said.

"Uh yeah. Who are you?"

"Well you know Charlotte. I'm her mother!" Her smile was sweet, but I could tell she was forcing it. She either agrees with my bible freak of a former caregiver or feels sorry for me.

"Okay. Is Charlotte home?" I asked, trying not to blush.

"No she's out with a boyfriend right now."

Boyfriend? Damn.

"Oh uh okay then." I stared down at my feet.

"Something wrong hun?" Charlottes Mother asked.

"Uh no. But can you show me my room? I'd like to put my things down."

"Yes yes of course. Come upstairs with me." I followed the women up about fifteen steps, and was greeted to a heavenly sight of two bunk beds in a perfect clean room. The dressers were blue, which went with the pink colouring of the bedroom walls. This is my new home.

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