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I wake up to a bright sun. I check to see that it is 1600 hours. I get up and stretch looking out to the city. I open the glass door leading to the porch and look at my surroundings. I stare at the JumboTrons repeating the same message each time. "Day and Eden return home for interview for a couple of days." It repeats this message each time followed by different ads for stores and restaurants. I step back inside and walk to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and start to get undressed. The bathroom is steamy and fogs up the window sitting over the sink. I step into the shower to feel the hot water against my skin. The water runs through my hair and down my legs. I soap up my body and stand under the water as it rinses all the soap suds away. I shampoo and condition my hair then step out of the shower and wrap myself in a towel. I step back into my room and walk over to me dresser. I take my commander uniform out and get dressed. I put my hair into a high ponytail as usual and walk into the kitchen. I grab an apple and a cup of coffee. I walk out of the door locking it behind me. I walk down the hallway and out into the streets. I like walking to work better than driving. I can feel the cool breeze rushing past me and all the other pedestrians hustling to get to their destinations. It's nice to see the streets full so early in the morning. I walk to work and step inside. I turn to the lady at the front desk and tell her my name. She lets me past and I thank her quickly. I have a group of soldiers to train this morning and I can't be late. I hurry to Drake University and head to my office. I put my stuff down before walking to the track outside. I see the soldiers in training talking to each other as I walk towards them. They see me and get into a line. "Good morning, soldiers", I address them as they salute me. "Good morning, commander", they say in response. I nod my head signaling them to relax. They put there hands down at their sides as I walk past them. "Twenty laps warm-up and make it quick. We want to get this training session on a role", I say as I walk in front of them. They start running as I stand in the middle of the track watching them. I feel a vibration coming from my pocket. I reach inside and take out my phone. I see that I have one text from Anden saying, " Meet me at Batalla Hall after your done with your training session." "Of course", I text back quickly and shove my phone back into my pocket. The session ends as soon as it has begun. "Alright, you are all dismissed for the day", I say as they walk away. I rush off the field and into my office. I grab my stuff and walk to the front desk. I sign out and start my walk to Batalla Hall. When I get there, I am not surprised with what I see next. I see Day standing there in a uniform similar to the one I'm wearing, but not the same. I see Anden standing next to him as he sees me walking towards them. "Good evening, Elector," I say with a bow. He shakes his head. "June, how many times do I have to tell you. You can call me Anden," he says. I see his eyes scan me head to toe. "I'll keep that in mind for next time," I reply. "Well now to get to the point. June, as you know, Day has returned from Australia and has become a soldier here in the Republic. I have him under your supervision to help him get used to the way things run around here since he has been gone for so long," he says as he turns to face Day. "Day, this is June. I'm guessing you already knew that. She will be helping you get used to how everything works here. You have been gone so long that I think you just need help getting used to it again", Anden says as he glances at me. He turns toward me and says, "That is all for today. Have a nice evening and see you both soon." I nod my head and gesture for Day to follow me. It is getting late so I lead him back to work. I sign him and I into the front desk and I swear that I see the lady stealing glances at him every chance she gets. It's gets me angry, but I manage to maintain that anger. "He isn't yours anymore, June," I think to myself. I walk down the hallway and into the office spaces. "This is your office. Mine is just across the hallway in case you need me. I'll show you the rest of the building once your ready," I say. He nods and I continue to show him around. "It's getting late so I'll see you tomorrow," I say as I turn to leave. "Wait", I hear him say,"I'll walk you home. We do live in the same building anyways." I nod my head. "Let me just grab my stuff from my office", I say. I walk into my office and grab my things. "All set", I say and we walk to the front desk. We sign out and begin walking home. We walk in quietly until Day breaks the silence. "June, I'm sorry to bother you, but I know I have met you before. You can deny it all you want, but I know your hiding something. You might as well tell me," he says quickly. I just wait in silence until I find the right words. "Day, I can't", I say. I cover my mouth as soon as I finish saying the line. I called him Day. I'm not supposed to call him Day. I'm supposed to call him Daniel, but no my emotions got the better of me. Now I seem really suspicious. "You called me Day. Why did you call me Day?", he asks confused. "N-No I didn't," I say. "June, stop denying it. Your obviously lying to me. No point in lying any longer. Tell me, June. Please," he pleads. "Daniel, I can't", I say. Thank gosh we are just outside my apartment because I throw the door opened and close it shut behind me. I lock it a slide my back against the wall. I hear Day pleading for me to open up and tell him, but I just sit there and listen. I don't do anything else. He finally regains his composure and says, "I will find out, June. It may or may not come from you, but I will find out. Whatever it takes, I will learn about my past." I hear his footsteps grow quieter and quieter. I stand up and walk to my room. I change into comfortable clothes and lay in bed. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

Day and June: Champion (Continued)Where stories live. Discover now