Part 4

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"Hmm?" I turned and looked at my eldest daughter. I was lounging in the throne room. A spot I had taken to when Thanos was gone.

"We need a better plan." Her orange eyes looked into my cobalt blue ones.

"I'm aware." I sighed out. It was becoming a daunting thought to balance one planet at a time.

"What if we all went out separately?" She suggested. I had brought that thought to his attention years ago. He wasn't keen on it then, I doubt he would be now. Though, Proxima was right. I appreciated her thoughtfulness.

"Perhaps, I can—oh." My brows raised in a furrow.
"Moving again?" She asked stepping closer while keeping an eye on my swollen stomach.

"No, he's a little early." I informed as my water broke. Her eyes became wide though she tried to hold in her nerves. We all knew given my body shape and Thanos' body shape this child could tear me apart in labor. I stood a little over eight feet tall but given Thanos' mutation there was risk for me.

"Now?" Her nerves showing more as I tried to remain as calm as possible.

"Yes, now." A contraction set in as I spoke.

Once it passed I stood and waddled my way toward the medical wing. My horned daughter beside me, assisting me walk.

Once in the hall, I held my hand out.
"Give me your receiver." She complied quickly and handed me the piece of technology. Clicking a button on the side, a holographic menu appeared. I dialed a few symbols, attempting to reach one of my sons if not Thanos' ship.

"Proxima." Corvus greeted.

"Son, pass a message along to your father."


I held my newest son in my arms. I couldn't stop looking at him. He was a few hours old and slept soundly.

He had pale lavender skin with a very small amount of white peach fuzz on top of his head. His skin was smooth and soft. He didn't carry the lines on his face like his father did. His eyes, when they had been open for a moment, were my same dark blue.

He was perfect.

"Saros, we can watch over him if you want to rest." A nurse offered quietly to me.

"I'd like to be moved to my bed room." At the sound of my voice, Praxis stirred a little in his sleep. I involuntarily leaned down and kisses his head.

Once moved to my room, I began to feel the trauma my body had gone through. My lower abdomen stung ever so slightly at the pain of my cesarean. Though, I wasn't frustrated at the pain. I couldn't be as I held my little bundle to me.

I doubted Thanos turned around at the news. I don't think I would have. I held in a grunt as I turned, placing Praxis into the bedside crib I had set up recently.

He had said he'd meet him when he got home. I was okay with that.

I watched my little one move in slow unfamiliar movements as he slightly flailed  to resituate.

My eye lids drooped. A nap sounded way to good right now.


I stirred at the sound of Praxis gurgling. I opened an eye to look at the bedside crib but saw it empty. My chest hurt at the sudden panic in my chest as I sat up quickly.

"I have him." Thanos spoke softly. I turned and saw him cradling his son in his arms in the arm chair in the room.

I let out a relieved sigh. Thanos' eyes hadn't left his son. He studied the child. Marveled at him.

"You turned around? I thought you said—"

"We weren't far." He got up and sat beside me on our bed. I leaned against his arm tiredly and looked down at our child.

"He looks like you." He continued but I scoffed.

"Look at his lips and nose. That's all yours." A small grin formed on his lips at my words.

"He has your eyes and soft skin." He observed. I leaned up and kisses his cheek.

"He's really cute." I couldn't suppress the yawn that started.

"Rest, I'll be here."

"I'm fine." I blinked quickly a few times to wake up to no avail.

"My love, rest." He repeated.

Early Morning (Thanos X Pregnant OC)Where stories live. Discover now