Chapter 6: A Hunt, The King of Hell, and Almost

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Wow I had a long day yesterday and totally forgot to update. *nervous laughter*


Sam woke up the next morning overjoyed at the events of last night. But sad that today was Saturday and he wouldn't get to see Gabriel.

Maybe I should invite him over? He thought.

But his thoughts were interrupted by Dean coming into the room.

Dean looked like shit. His hair was all messed up, his face was pale, and he was only wearing boxers.

"Dean what the hell happened to you?" Sam asked him, getting up from his bed.

"I've got a case for us" he said, "be ready in 10."

Little did he know Dean had been up that entire night trying to distract himself from the adorable angel in a trench coat.

Sam got up and put on a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, a flannel, and a canvas jacket. Gotta love the Winchester's and their layers. He grabbed his gun from under his bed and put it in his belt. He headed downstairs to see Dean waiting for him at the kitchen island.

"So what are we hunting?" Sam asked.

"Man and his daughter found dead in their house, all the doors and windows were locked and no signs of forced entry. Probably ghost or maybe a demon" Dean said.

They got in the Impala and headed off to their case.


Cas was happy that he made Dean smile, he decided he really liked Dean's smile. Dean ate it all during art as he randomly sketched on a piece of paper. Cas had done a beautiful drawing of an angel raising a man from perdition. He had hung it on his art wall next to his bed.

When he awoke the next morning he found Gabe still sleeping. (Oh yeah they sleep in this, because some random reason that I'm too lazy to think of)

When Gabe came home that night he had the biggest smile on his face. Cas figured what must have happened with his 'friend'.

It was Saturday which meant that Cas could go to his favorite diner and get breakfast. He walked over to the diner. He loved that place. It was owned by Ellen and her daughter Jo. They were really nice people, hunters actually. Cas knew he could trust them.

He walked in and sat on a barstool.

"Hello there Castiel, what can I get for you?" Jo asked coming up to him.

"I'll have pancakes with bacon and coffee please" he replied.

"Coming right up." She got a cup from behind her and poured Cas a coffee from the pot that was already in her hand.

Cas took a sip of the coffee. He turned to look out the window and that's when he saw him.


Dean and Sam decided to get breakfast from Ellen's diner before heading out on their hunt. When they entered the diner, Dean's eyes immediately found a certain trench coat-wearing angel.

"Hiya Cas" he said walking over to him, Sam following close behind.

"Hello Dean" Cas said smiling.

"Cas this is my brother, Sam" Dean said motioning to Sam.

"Hello Sam. I've heard a lot about you from Gabe, he's my roommate" Cas said which made Sam blush.

Dean took a seat next to Cas and Sam sat down next to him.

"Dean!" Jo exclaimed coming around the counter to give him a hug.

Hunter, In A School of Angels(Destiel/Sabriel/Michifer)Where stories live. Discover now