chapter 2

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I awoke with a start as the light stated to stream through the window, realizing I was going to be late for school. However, when I jolted upright and took in my surroundings, they were extremely unfamiliar. I was in an extremely posh room with silk bedsheets and a cream carpet floor. I started to panic as the memories of being kidnapped last night flashed through my head. As i took a more detailed look around the room, I started to suspect by the large stack of video games and chocolate, that I was in a teenage boys room. I just hope it's the hot God's room. Actually no, what the hell am I thinking, he's probably going to rape and torture me, and eventually kill me. No matter how hot and attractive he his and no matter how much I want to just.. no, I can't be thinking like this. I need to escape and not be distracted by his mouth wateringly delicious looking muscles. There were two doors, one I'm guessing was a bathroom, and the other was my way out.I opted to go to the bathroom first to look out the window and see what floor I was on. Turns out right now I'm possibly the unluckiest person currently alive, as it looked to be about three floors up.

Deciding that I don't want to die just yet and want to fight for a chance to be free and save my life, I run to the other door and as quietly as i can, open the unlocked door. These guys are seriously awful kidnappers, they don't even know how to keep a victim locked in a room. Although then again, I was also expecting to be chained up in a basement being tortured. Not that I'm complaining or anything.. Deciding to take a chance, I bolt through the fancy looking corridors and down the stairs. This would be so much easier if I knew where I was going, but then again they weren't going to give me a fricking map were they? Just as the front or back door comes into view, two strong arms snake around my waist, sending tingles wherever it skin touches.

I glance back to see a smirking God, who looks illegally hot just now in a tight black v-neck top and gray jeans. This really isn't the time to be checking my kidnapper out, and judging by the smirk in his face it didn't go unnoticed. 'Don't run princess, nobody's going to hurt you' he whispered in my ear, his hot breaths tickling my neck. I couldn't control the shivers that it sent down my spine, and then realised I was practically letting this psycho hug my and I want even trying to escape. He got a shock when I started squirming and kicking, and pathetically trying to get out of his death grip. He just chuckled, which aggravated me more, and half dragged, half carried me back up the stairs, ignoring my attempts to escape and protests. 'Let me go you fricking asshole!' and again he chuckled at my useless attempts to free myself. He was obviously a hell of a lot stronger than me so knew that nothing I did was going to work. Until I kicked him in the balls while squirming around. His death grip didn't budge but for 'safety precautions' as he called it, resulted in me being thrown over his shoulder. my escape attempts were even more useless than before and I was left staring at his butt. I couldn't say I wasn't enjoying the view, and he knew that. I could practically feel him smirking. 'Where the hell are you taking me?' I demanded. He once again chuckled and cockily stated 'My room'. I glared at his oh-so-attractive ass and muttered 'it's not like I can't escape again'. Just as he opened the door and threw me on the bed, he closed the door again and stalked towards me.

'why do you wanna escape so bad?' he asked, almost looking hurt. 'you fricking kidnapped me, I don't know you and I wanna go home where I won't be raped, tortured or in any danger' I huffed. He came closer again so we were almost touching and said 'nobody is going to hurt you baby, I can't explain stuff yet, and I know you're confused, but please be patient' he said so sincerely I almost felt guilty for trying to escape. Almost. Not knowing how good his hearing was, I muttered 'like hell won't I try and escape' quietly to myself. He growled an almost animalistic growl which startled me, then in a flash, was on top of me and handcuffed my hands to the top of the bed. 'I'm sorry, but I can't risk you leaving me' he pleaded guilty. I stated crying and screaming, frustratedly trying to yank my hands free, but they were so secure it felt like my hands would be yanked out of their sockets.

The hot God, noticing what I was trying to do, went wide eyed and looked scared for me before disappearing in to the bathroom. He came out looking torn with a rag in his hands, and I stopped when I know exactly what it was. Chloroform. I stopped struggling with my handcuffs and crawled to the back of the bed until my back hit the headboard. 'I'm sorry if I was annoying you, I'll stop' I half cried, half pleaded. 'I'm not doing this because you were annoying me, you could never annoy me. You just don't understand yet. I'm sorry I can't explain yet, but this is only so you stop hurting yourself by trying to escape, and get some rest, you look tired' he spoke to me gently. The last thing I remember was the God gently sitting beside me, holding my body down tightly to stop me wriggling, and placing a chemical-smelling rag over my face before I passed out into darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2014 ⏰

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