Chapter two of our opinions...

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HEY guys!!! Once again AleXcRed is our interviewer person and all that but first of all here's our story: OH AND IF YOU WANT TO ASK A QUESTION FEEL FREE TO BELOW ;)

So you all know that there's 5 guys right? Well if you don't then you hate us. haha :)

Well we all are orphans. We don't know our parents and never have and probably never will. We met as infants in the orphanage in Wales as we lived there for 2 years. That was in a rickety old town right near England. Soon after we were sent there, they shut down due to lack of money and we were sent straight to London to a better girls and boys home which would support children with food, comfort, hygeine, shelter, safety, and education.

We stayed there for 13 years and traveled with the orphanage. It wasn't that bad actually. But that's how we met Alex. She was one of the infants in Wales. So basically the six of us all grew up together as orphans and formed our own type of family. If your wondering why we didn't get adopted here's that part:

Alexandria (Alex) well she did get adopted once. He was an older man and his wife had died many years before. She was only 12 and he adopted her. Turns out, he wasn't so great of a man and almost raped her but she got out and ran straight back to the home and he was arrested. She was only adopted for a week and a half.


So now we are all 15 and 16 and a year ago, we were adopted. This brother and sister owned two giant houses together that are right next door to eachother. They wanted to be a family but they have no love between them whatsoever. They are just brother and sister.

They together adopted the six of us and we moved in to live with them. It doesn't really matter which house we sleep in at night since they both are so huge it would be big for 10 people. Trust me, it's like a damn white house!!! But we were adopted to America to live with these kind lads and we're happy with our lives now.

DONT ASK WHAT PART OF AMERICA!!!  haha we won't tell ;) So now we live in huge houses and are kinda filthy rich. Well, minus the kinda since we have two pools in the middle of both houses and one has no edges (basically you can walk straight into it from anyside like the beach) and the other one has glass sides underwater with a massive fish tank around it so you could be swimming with one of the sharks!! haha

But we don't brag or flaunt our money like some people may do so thats a good thing :)

But here's your questions and answers:



Would you ever bang your best friend's sister?

Shane: Hell yeah!

Derek: Yeah

Carter: Maybe

Josh: Yeah 

Nick: Yeah sure, wait? Did we all just agree to banging Alex? :(


Q#2: Moving on since I don't want any of you to bang me... What's the worst person/thing you've dated?

Shane: That swedish girl in the orphanage... it gives me the chills...

Derek: Tina lfeu, my imaginary gf haha

Carter: Umm... I'll have to think about that... ^.^

Josh: ^haha nice excuse, and none probably

Nick: All of them :)


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