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Prologue: Before they found me

" Daddy?" I walked as fast as I could. my yellow converse soaking wet from the puddles I stepped in. " where we going?" I asked Daddy. he seems to be in a rush. he didn't ansewer me. I looked over Mum. she was holding a bag. "Mum?" I asked.

"What!" she says in a sickly sweet tone. I silenced for a moment afraid that she might hurt me.

"where we going?" I asked shyly.

"I dont have to tell you." she scoffed. after a few moment of silence an the sound of the rain. I looked around. it looks like we were in front of the stadium. we stopped. my mum tossed me my bag. an dad lifted me up an sat me down on a bench. I stayed still.

" Wait here." mum said. " we'll be back." placing an owl beanie on my brown hair. I stayed quiet.

I watched my parent walked off the same direction that we came. I gripped my stuff bunny as if my life depended on it. I let out a puff seeing my own breath.

I looked down seeing my white legging and my yellow worn out converes. I stretched out my large pink jacket to cover my freezing legs. I thought about my parents.

I dont want to go back.

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