2: Gymnastics

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Here is a new fun fact about me.. I fart, like, A LOT. And yes, I know that i just wasted a whole 2 minutes, 18 seconds of your life by watching that video.... But you have to admit it WAS kinda funny still.

So, picture this. I'm in gymnastics class and, I kinda start to get this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. Ok, so, I'm starting to think like, 'Hey, maybe I didn't get enough to eat when we had dinner', so i just kinda went with that.

So, a few minutes later, we are doing some like, push-up things on some wooden parallettes, and everything is going fine. I hadn't had that empty pit feeling for like, about 15 mins. And that's when it finally hits me.

So I go to do a push-up on my parallettes, that are in an upside down V shape, and I feel it. A small gush of air.... out of meh butt.

So I have finally decided that I am going to publish new chapters on WEDNESDAYS. So yes, every wednesday... omg, I need food, it was like my stomach was like, growling at me... Help plz.

OH! And also, this book has just hit #790 on stupid!! Yes, I know, 'But Alex, hitting something so low on stupid is, well, just stupid!' but this is a pretty big deal for me, so just let me rant about this achievement for a while. Ok thank you, ba-bye Byotches.

P.S. I just realized how good my hair smells

P.P.S. There will be another update about gymnastics class (possibly tomorrow if we get enough votes or reads or something of that nature) soon, so as I like to say. See you next time, make sure you prepare yourself for more stupid-Alex

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2018 ⏰

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