//chapter one//

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The drops of rain slowly hit Y/N's nose. She sighed in sadness.

She didn't know where to go. She wanted some where to stay. She needed some where to stay.

'Maybe I should stay somewhere for a bit..'


'Maybe a friends place..'

As she thought about where to go, something landed on her face. Something, very unexpected.


A poster?

As the young girl read the poster, she saw that it was a..

Roommate wanted?

The girl blinked with shock. She couldn't believe it! The flyer filled her determination. Her eyes scanned the page, reading the bold text.

Rent: $130

She nodded. She was going to do it! The girl took a huge deep breath and looked at the ad one more time. As she remembered the numbers, she quickly called the number.

Ring ring...

Ring ring...

Ring rin-

"Hello?" A deep, British voice picked up. "Oh, hi. I was calling for the flyer about the-"

"Shut the heck up!" A feminine British voice could be herd in the background. "Oi! You can't tell me what to do!" Another yelled back, this time a little younger.

"That's it! You green little monster!" The feminine voice spoke again, and screaming and yelling was heard all from the phone. Y/N squinted her eyes.

"Hey! Im trying to talk here! Both of you! Out!" The man talked again, yelling. Both of the voices stopped yelling from before.

"My dearest apologies. If you're talking about the flyer, it's still open." He said, a little annoyed.

Y/N grinned. "Really!" She said, then instantly wished she hadn't.

Now, she thought she looked like a idiot.

"I mean.. uhm what time would be suitable to come over?"

The British voice chuckled, then replied. "Hmm.. 10:00pm."  He said.

"O..oh. Okay."

The phone hanged up. You pinched the bridge of your nose.

'Why didn't I say anything like my name?'

'Ugh.. I'm a idiot."

You quickly went to your apartment. It was small. A bit too small.

Well, let's just say you hated it there.

The neighbours would play loud music. Pets would be making noise loudly. Every night was a party for the young kids.

Y/N quickly shook her head at the thought of herself staying there anymore.

Quickly, you grabbed everything and left. You only had about 6-7 boxes, so it wasn't to hard. You jumped in your car and placed the boxes in the boot. 9:49pm.

You were a little shocked. You didn't expect for it to take that long!

Y/N shook her head and quickly entered the keys into the car. Soon, she was off.

To start her journey!

If there's any mistakes just roll with it xdxd DIE

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