Chapter 5

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"So Mason, What brings you over here at this table? Shouldn't you be sitting with the jocks and the cheerleader sluts?" said Sarah. Mason gave her a face and responded by saying "why would you associate myself with those people?" "Well my bad, you're always with them so I just assumed." said Sarah. "Alright guys, I am going to leave you love birds alone because I have to go see my bio teacher about extra credit since I'm failing the class." said Sam.

Sam leaves both of them alone at the table and nobody really says anything. "So how is my bestest friend going?" said Mason. Sarah thinks to herself about how creepy that sounded coming from him. "I am fine. If we are going to make this friendship thing work, then don't say something like that." said Sarah.

"How about we hang out one day. Does Friday after school work for you?" said Mason. "Sure why not, what do I have got to lose." said Sarah.

The rest of lunch goes by smoothly with both Mason and Sarah chatting it up while everyone around them is whispering to why they were talking to each other.

Sarah heads to her locker after lunch when the Queen Bee of the school shows up after she shuts her locker. "What are you doing with Mason? You need to stay away from him." said Ashley. Meet Ashley McCall, the queen bee of the school that has been on and off with Mason since the beginning of freshman year. Rumor has it is that she cheated on him with his best friend Axel. "Mason is not yours honey. He's allowed to talk to whoever he wants so please worry about the 10 pounds of makeup that's been caked on your face." said Sarah. Ashley gets mad and storms off. Once she leaves, Sarah notices that there's a crowd around her after the whole go down between her and Ashley. People started cheering because no one has ever spoke to Ashley like that.

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