Chapter 13 - A New Friend

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Chapter 13 – A New Friend

They found their way back to Charlie's hideout. Maggie decided the best way of gaining favour with Charlie was to tell him as much of the truth as possible; at least enough for him not to become too suspicious. When they entered the abandoned house, Charlie was not around. A couple of the younger children took them to see Jack instead, who was lazing upon the mess of sheets he called a bed.

"My, my," said Jack standing up to greet them. "Tosher, Blacky - go get some grub," he ordered two smaller children. "I want to talk to these two alone." He tossed a coin in the direction of the two younger children and after retrieving it they soon left.

As soon as they left, Jack's expression changed. He stood up and moved closer to Maggie and Tom. His manner became serious and aggressive. "What's your game coming around here? I saw you earlier today walking the streets with peelers."

"But -" began Tom.

"No buts, boy. I saw you with my own two eyes. Both of yous walking down the lane, large as life itself, talking away with them - as if you were all the best of friends. Peelers," he spat the last word out as if he had a bad taste in his mouth. "When Charlie finds out -"

"Please don't tell him. It's not what you think," Maggie pleaded.

"What you doing with the filth then, eh? Do they know you're here?" Panic spread across his face.

"Is this a trap? Have you set me up? Are they coming to get us?"

"Please let us explain. And don't tell Charlie just yet," she pleaded with him once more.

"Don't tell Charlie what?" a voice at the doorless doorway called into the room. They turned and saw Charlie standing there. He had that ambiguous smile about his face. Was he happy? Furious? Both? "Tell me what, my sweet little ladybird?" he repeated.

"About the traps!" answered Jack.

"What about the traps?" Charlie asked moving towards them, his fists clenched.

"We got spotted, Charlie," interrupted Maggie. "We were spotted by that gentleman we rolled over last night. He was talking with the peelers near the police station house. We had to run for it. I'm sorry, Charlie. You were right all along. We should have stayed here with you."

Charlie smiled. "I'm always right, ain't I Jack?"

"Sure you are, Captain," Jack responded, still looking suspiciously towards Maggie.

"So you scurried back to your uncle Charlie then." He looked calmer now.

"We need protection and a place to hide away for a bit. I think the gentleman reported us to the law. They got a look at us. But they didn't follow, of that I'm sure. I think we dodged them well."

"Think?" asked Charlie.

"Know we did, Charlie. We just need protecting for a while," she replied.

"You know my protection comes at a price, my pretty little angel?" Charlie moved towards Maggie and stroked her hair. "It don't come cheap, either."

"I know, Charlie. But we're desperate and need your help," pleaded Maggie. "We're willing to earn for you, Charlie. Honest to God we are. We'll do as many jobs as you want. Just don't send us away!"

After a brief, private talk with Jack outside the room, Charlie returned and agreed to keep them. At least for the meantime. Although he told them they would have to stay out of sight for a few days or so. Just to let the heat die down.

"After a while," he explained, "the peelers will move on to something new," he reassured them.

"They always do round here. Something serious will turn up and you'll soon be forgotten."

Dark Remains: A Maggie Power Adventure (Maggie Power #1)Where stories live. Discover now