Chapter 25 - The Bloody Countess

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Chapter 25 - The Bloody Countess

When Maggie entered the dining room, the Countess was sitting at her usual place. She walked with her head erect - aping the deportment the Countess had taught her during the past couple of months, and put on her best show that all was well.

The meal progressed in silence, until Maggie decided to speak up. "I am sorry for this morning, my lady, but I overslept for some reason. I did not feel at all well."

"Don't worry, my dear, I had business in town today," replied the Countess. "Your studies can continue as normal tomorrow."

"Excuse me for speaking out of turn, my lady, but I am worried about my brother and Jack. I have been all over the estate today and could not catch neither sight nor sound of either."
The Countess looked up from her food and began searching Maggie's face.

"They had been in my room last night. I must have fallen asleep, as we were all playing a foolish game. When I awoke, they must have gone back to their own rooms. Since -"

"I'm afraid you will not see either of the boys on my property again," the Countess said.

"What do you mean by this, my lady?" replied Maggie startled.

"They stole from me, Margaret. They are both thieves."

"No, not Thomas surely. Say it is not true," pleaded Maggie.

"I'm sorry, Margaret. But they have betrayed me. And they had to leave. They have been sent to the magistrate in the town. What becomes of them next, I know not, nor no longer do I care. I warned all of you - remember? I warned you all there would consequences. I spoke to them and they exonerated you of any blame. They said you were unaware of their thieving. Jack, I probably expected - deep down. He was not a surprise. But Thomas, who you have guided so well. He surprised me."

"But you don't understand. Jack has improved immeasurably from the boy I first met on the streets. You have made him a good boy. With a little education, then maybe -"

"No, Margaret. As admirable as your beliefs are, I cannot go against my principles. If you too wish to leave, then fine. I shall miss you greatly. If your brother means so much, then I understand that too. Leave if you must."

Maggie put her head down and stared at the tablecloth beneath. After a moment, she lifted her head and spoke, "I shall stay, my lady. I shall stay here with you. I have still so much to learn and so much to gain from you."

The Countess smiled for the first time that evening, "Very well. In my opinion, you have made the correct decision. You will not regret it for a second, Margaret. I assure you of that."

"I shall stay, but I shall plead for my brother. Every day I shall beg on his behalf. Oh! Please give him just one more chance, my lady. Please!"

Tears streamed down Maggie's face. She moved from her seat and walked to where the Countess was seated, dropped to her knees, and held her hands together as if praying. "Please, my lady. Please give him one more chance."

"I respect and admire that you would humble yourself to such a degree for your own flesh and blood. But my decision is final."

Maggie returned to her seat and picked at the remainder of her food. They both finished eating their meals together, breaking the silence occasionally, talking over subjects that had become dear to them during their days spent as tutor and student. Once they finished eating, the Countess explained that her long and troubling day had taken its toll, and she was ready for an early night.

Maggie followed soon after.

Once inside her room, she lit a candle and began to take off the female clothing, which she found every day - clean and ironed - awaiting her in the wardrobe. She changed into the boy's clothes she taken earlier from the Tom and Jack's room. No more propositions she whispered to herself, as her transformation from female to male, if only on the surface, was complete.

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