Chapter 23 - A Reward

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Chapter 23 - A Reward

Dinner was a subdued affair that evening. The Countess seemed distracted and hardly had she began one topic of conversation when she moved onto another, unrelated, topic. The children's minds still lingered on the dark cellar beneath the folly, and Maggie scarcely listened to a word the Countess had to say.

After dinner they all trudged upstairs to bed. The boys separated and went to their own room, while Maggie held a book she had taken from the Countess' study, with the intention of reading as a way to take her mind off the day's events.

Maggie knew she would not sleep. She was once again afraid to even attempt sleep. She knew her thoughts would be filled with the images she had witnessed on the other side of the lake - upon that wretched island, inside the dreaded folly.

She dozed, drifting between a half-sleep and half-conscious state.

"Pssssssst. Hey Maggie, wake up."

She sat up alert and saw Jack standing above her.

"I can't sleep, Maggie," he said. "Too many thoughts roving round my skull."

"I understand," Maggie murmured, still finding her bearings as his candle shone in face. He placed the candle down next to her unlit one on a cabinet at the side of the bed.

"It's that place," he said almost afraid of his own words. He was filled with fear - more so than at any time during the short time she had known him. Even when they were being chased around the streets of London months before, he had not appeared this agitated. He seemed in control. He seemed calm then. Now, however, he was biting at his fingernails and had the look of a trapped animal.

"Such a creepy place," Maggie said yawning. "Is Tom not awake?"

"No he is dead to the world, as usual," he tried to laugh, but it was a forced, nervous laugh. "How is it he can sleep so well knowing about that place?"

"I wish I knew. Is all well, Jack? You don't seem right," asked Maggie as she lit her own candle from the flame of Jack's.

Jack seemed deep inside his own thoughts and did not respond at first. "There something very strange about that building, the whole set up down there. What do think them cages is for, Maggie?"

"I would have thought some sort of animals, until I saw those names carved into the walls. That sent a shiver down my spine - make no mistake."

They continued talking about their fears and wondered how best they should continue. "I'm beginning to think that moving on would be best," suggested Maggie.

"I wondered why the old witch has told us to stay away from that folly. She's hiding something from us, Maggie. She's -"

"No, Jack, we can't judge her yet. We don't even know if she's aware of what is going on over there."

"Didn't you say she was up to something yourself, remember? In the middle of the night – crossing over the lake. Does that sound like a common thing to be doing?" he asked.

"She once told me she sometimes walked in her sleep."

"Ha! Sleepwalking? What in a boat? Was Sexton sleepwalking too? No mug's buying that, Maggie. And by the look on your face, you ain't either."

"Let's leave it till the morning, Jack. Try and get a little rest perhaps. Then we shall think upon whether we should stay or leave."

As she watched Jack leave her room, he stopped dead in his tracks at the open door. "Quick!" he whispered across the room. "Quick, here, Maggie." He motioned for her to join him at the door. He blew out the light from his candle as Maggie moved towards him with a candle in her hand.

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