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It took awhile for me to take in what was going on around me. Just last night I was fearing for my life getting ready to die and now here I am looking at something bigger than I am. As she picked me up that's when I realized it wasn't that I was in a land of giants it was that I was smaller than I was last night. If I was to guess I would say that I was roughly the size of a toddler maybe a little bit smaller.

As she walked around talking to me as if I was a toddler she started to head towards the stairs and boy were they big. Now I know that everyone has been a toddler but do you remember how big everything actually was? I don't know how I didn't kill myself sliding down the stairs when I was younger. But all of that left my mind as she walked me into my new room. The room had two beds one with the pinkest bed ever. It had a doc mc stuffens bedspread and bars on the outside.

That part made me wonder It looked way to big to be a crib but the bars sure did look crib likish. The other bed was a very light baby blue this bed had a paw patrol bedspread. It also had the same bars as the other bed did. That's when it hit me why were there two beds? Was there another chilled here or was I expected to be in two places at once? As I looked around with confusion the man I had called in my last attempt to stay alive walked into the room. That's when it hit me.

" The only thing is that if you prove to me that you can't handle being a "big boy" then you won't get a choice the second time." These words rang in my head. In this world, there is a price for everything and it was my turn to pay for what I had ordered. I called him knowing my life was about to end and because of that he saved me but this was the cost. But that's when he started to speak.

"I can tell that you've figured out why you're here but you probably can't figure out the bed situation, can you?" The man asked with a small smile creeping on to his face. I risked a nod to show that he was right.

"Well, then I'll tell you. The reason there are two beds here is that I can't figure you out yet. You ran every day and worked out for about two hours a day, yet you wore the girliest diapers that you could find. I couldn't make sense of it." He said with that same smile on his face.

"So, in the end, me and my sister decided to just get a set of both boys and girls well everything." He said as if that was just a daily normal occurrence.

"Now what should we get you dressed in? Girls or boys clothing." He said while his smile got bigger and bigger.

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