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That's when the house started to shake. At first, it was a light rumble but by the time that we started to worry it was too late. The world went black before my very eyes just like a bat flying out of the sky. When I finally woke up from my slumber the house had fallen in on its self, leaving me lying in the rubble. 

"Aldon where are you," I yelled frantically from my position. But there was no response. 

 "Aldon," I yelled louder this time.

"Daddy, where are you," At this point tears, were streaming down my face and my voice was starting to hurt. But still, no answer came. As the night encroached further on I began to see a figure lying near me. At first, I thought it might have been Aldon but upon further examination of me dragging myself closer, it was the body of some vampire. 

I tried shaking the man awake maybe he could help me. But as I continued to do this his body became more and more charcoal like until he turned to a dust blacker than any night I had ever seen. This is what happens to vampires when they die. They have no soul they have no heart, therefore, they can not be saved.

As time went on I could hear ruble being moved in the distance at first I let my hopes get high thinking that it might be Aldon but that's when they came.  As the large piece of rubble that was holding my foot down moved a group of vampires appeared. At first, they kept their distance but after they realized that I couldn't move that changed.

They conjured for a little whispering about what to do with me. After a little while, they stopped whispering and the biggest one of them came up to me and lifted me up to eye level. 

"Do you wish to live?" He asked in a tone rougher than I thought possible. With all the strength I had left I responded.

"No dip Sherlock," With this said I was ok with dying but fate had a different plan for me.

The man reached into his pocket and pulled out a syringe looking needle after looking at it for a second he lifted it up to eye level and stabbed it into my heart. The pain went everywhere it felt as if my blood its self-had begun to boil, and after what seemed like ages passed everything went dark. After a few seconds of darkness, I was standing in my old home holding Aldon's number and people outside were screaming in.   

  "If you don't open this door right now it's going to get a whole lot worse we will make sure you bleed". 

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