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My stories have a purpose to me.

They are my escape to another world, like a fantasy world where I can see where my characters are and what they look like and what they are doing.

Most of my characters are based off of real people, and I did get (most) of their permissions to use them in my stories before I made them.

And the characters aren't just fiction but sometimes real to me and other people can tell me, "It's just a story, they aren't real", but I can prove them wrong.

You see, in my story called, "The Journey", Michael Vincent is based off of one person, my best friend Michael Hendricks.

And Matt Kyle, is based off of my other friend Ben Kyle, who I am writing my Passion Project on and the name was a mix of my cousin's first name and Ben's last name.

The name Michael Vincent came to me, from a TV series that had its series finale in January of 2017. That TV series name was Bones. The character died early on in this TV series from a gunshot wound to the chest because there was a shootout in the forensics lab, the character's name was Vincent Nigel-Murray.

Chandler Perry's character name came from the TV show FRIENDS, that character's name on FRIENDS was Chandler but the actors last name is Perry.

They all have a purpose, to be written onto a piece of paper, and with some imagination and determination, will become a story or a novel, or maybe a poem kind of like this one.

Everything in this world, has a purpose, in stories or in real life.

All you have to do, is use some imagination and some creativity.   

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