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I've never been this attracted to someone. I didn't know what true love is, only greedy for one or two night stands. I've had some crushes, but they were gone as soon as they started and only liked myself the best. But now,

there is Minghao. I can't stop looking at him or thinking about him. How does he do that? He isn't just beatiful, he has this cool side of his and he can be cute, when he isn't with me. I think he doesn't like me at all.

Or he pretends. I don't know.

The bus trip to our tomorrow's fashion show place was peaceful and everyone got together fine. I get new friends from these people. I talked with Wonwoo, Jeonghan and Dokyeom all the time and sometimes heard Soonyoung's or Seungkwan's shouts. Seungcheol just laughed everything and Jisoo made jokes and throw funny english comments with Hansol. Jihoon is quiet but I still like him, he is cute and say wise words. Chan is such a cutie, even though he is young, he knows so much and is really funny too.

Best thing was Minghao's giggles. He sounded cute. I would have recorded him laughing and watch it over and over again.

"Look! We are here!" Seungkwan suddenly shouts pointing out the window. I look out of the window seeing the city streets and shops. "I'm feeling nervous suddenly..", Jisoo laughs little and Jeonghan nods agreeing. "Don't be. We can do it tomorrow", Seungcheol says like a leader. He is the oldest so I respect him a lot. He takes the role of the leader.

"Gosh I hope I don't make mistakes", Seungkwan puts his hand to his chest and sighs. "I will push you off the stage", Soonyoung grins and makes me laugh.

"It's gonna be okay. I mean we are the best, right?", I say winking and get agrees from others. My eyes lock to Minghao's but he suddenly moves his gaze somewhere else.


I unpack my stuffs in the hotel room sharing it with Wonwoo. He watches some videos from his phone on the bed looking hella tired. Same here.

"Wonwoo, I go down to get us something to drink. I'll come soon okay?" Wonwoo doesn't even look at me while humming in answer so I just go out and decide to take the stairs down.

The lobby of the hotel is fancy and calm and only humans I see are the workers on the info deck. I see a shelf full of drinks assuming it's a fridge and grab two drinks. I pay them and head back to my room.

I hear someone's other steps trough the stairway coming down. When I see Minghao, my smirk spreads to my face. When he sees me he just freezes.

"Hi Hao. What are you doing here? Need something?" I ask and he just stays silent as I stop infront of him, looking at his body stopping to his eyes.

"Don't call me Hao, it's disguisting", he shots. I laugh at him, touching his black hair locks interested.

"You hate me that much?", I throw a guestion smiling.

Minghao is in silence looking to the walls thinking. Suddenly he slaps my hand away from him and he looks at me with confusion. "Why do you keep up with me? Why do you want me so badly? I'm way more lower than you and out of your league. You are handsome and tall and everything but still..", Minghao says making me shut up. His head lowers and he blushes trying to hide it. Cute.

"You are a player. I can't trust you in anyhow", I hear him mumble. Then Minghao turns to leave and takes one step, but he doesn't get far. I grab his wrist to stop him, pushing him against the wall my hands on each side of his head leaning closer.

His blush is just so cute.

"So you do like me", my chuckle fills the stairway. I lean closer to Minghao who looks like wanting to escape through the wall. Luckily he ain't a ghost. "Maybe you are the one who wants me.. You want me so badly.. Right, Hao?"

My face is so close to his that our noses almost touch. Minghao looks at my eyes with despair. Like he is in fear, but at the same time he wants to kiss me, but he is scared. Interesting.

Before I can really kiss his soft lips, he just pushes me aside rushimg away jumping down and then diseappering from my sight. He left me standing there confused and disappointed.

I almost got him trapped. But all of his words made me want him more. He really must like me. Does he know me?

I sigh frustated and made my way back to my room with the two drinks thinking about Minghao.

I slept really badly at that night. Wonwoo was really quiet like he was lifeless, but things runned through my mind like crazy so I didn't get sleep that much. I'm so tired.

And today is the show. I hope I can concentrate somehow.

"Jun, are you okay? You look tired?", Jisoo mentions next to me looking worried. He is a nice guy. I can't look at him because my make up artist does my make up.

"Yeh yeh, I'm fine. I just didn't sleep well", I smile a bit. Jisoo laughs.

"Hope you can walk.. Remember to eat and drink. Maybe you can survive", he says and gets ready for makeup. "If I can ask.. Why you didn't get sleep enough? I think it's not because you're nervous of the show knowing you".

I stay quiet thinking. "Mh, I'm just having trouble with certain someone", I feel Jisoo's eyes on me again. "Can you tell me more?", he asks nicely.

"I'm little confused. And I can't get that someone out of my head.. It's weird", Jisoo listens what I say and I think the make up artists listen too. I don't mind though. "How can someone be so beatiful? Or so cute? Or so kind and grateful? Although, he is not that for me."

"You like that person don't you?" Jisoo says.

I think a little.

"Yes. I think I do".

// i had something to say but i forgot lmaooooo

Your walk // Junhao [completed]Where stories live. Discover now