Image 1 pt 1 (Angus Macgyver)

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(y/n) pov

I wake up with the sound of my boyfriend mac's alarm clock that he made, as he can make anything out of everything, today we had to head to work for hopefully not a hard mission.

"Mac- mac wake up" I whispered in his ear shaking him slightly 

"I'm up babe I'm up" Mac replied getting up out of bed and headed towards the shower 

I sat on the bed I shared with Mac waiting for him to get out the shower when my phone buzzed it was jack

Jack: Hey Princess 

(y/n): hey whats up jack

Jack: Nothing princess just seeing how my niece was doing 

(y/n): Jack I'm fine but I think there is something wrong with Mac

Jack: why would you think that?

(y/n): he seems a little off but it may just be about Murdoc  

Jack: most likely but we all have his back I'll see you at work bye

(Y/N): ok see you later jack 

I placed my phone down on the table just in time for mac to come out

"Hey, you ok?" I asked him

"Oh ya I am" Mac replied not paying attention

"Angus MacGyver what is the matter with you," I asked angrily 

Mac's Pov

I was not really paying attention when my girlfriend (y/n) was talking to me I was in a bit of a daze thinking of a way to get Murdoc and put him back to prison when I was interrupted by my full name being called

"Angus MacGyver what is the matter with you" (Y/N) asked angrily

oh no she was mad and was going to make me talk to her but we didn't have time for that we had to get to work and slove lodes of work to do and Matty doesn't like us being late

"Look babe nothings wrong I'm just tired and we have to go to work for now" I responded calmly brushing it off.

"Ok, Angus but if there is anything wrong you let me know" (y/n) told me before walking into the bathroom to change.

 I make my way downstairs to get things for work and have a bite to eat I was waiting for (Y/n) to make her way downstairs so we could head off towards the phoenix foundation.

(y/n) finally came down and we made our way to work. Once we reached work and sat in the war room we listened to matty start to talk about a case when she brought up my ex-girlfriend Nikki Carpenter and Murdoc now (y/n) arch enemies are Nikki as she after betrayed us she went all crazy and joined my arch nemesis Murdoc they both  keep trying to kill us but always failing.

what about these crazy people Matty- jack

(y/n) and Mac will go out trying to entice them into a trap jack you will go with them to protect them then our team will come in and take them to prison- Matty

no way they are not going out there- Jack tried to reason 

no will go this will be the best lead we have to get these lunatics if we get hurt well be it but they need to be in prison not roaming the streets- (y/n) said with anger clearly evidant on her face.

well then it's settled you guys will head out to a quiet area and wait for Nikki and Murdoc to get to you-  Matty 

(y/n) and I walked out the building hand in hand ready to face one of the worst missions of our whole lives. 

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