MacGyver- memories

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Bryce's POV

I miss him. I left. I had too. Mac was and is the love of my life I had to leave him. I couldn't stand the distance anymore. I worked in the army. Frontline. Mac having all these missions I couldn't handle it I had been planning my departure for weeks like getting an apartment for when I  am not at work in the army then planning secretly how I am going to leave. I don't want to hurt Mac I'm just doing what is right for the bother of us. now I'm at Mac's packing up the last of my things before I leave tears dripping down my face I just wish it had not come to this. Finishing packing the last of my things I put it in the car then went to the kitchen to write a note 

Dear Mac,

It pains me to leave without a formal goodbye face to face, but I have done what is right for both of us. we don't see each other, never talk because of how busy we are and now our relationship are just strings pulling us down this hurts so bad, but I want to thank you for all the dates, gifs and just general love and support I love you so I have to let you go. Tell Jack and Bozer I send a goodbye carry on doing the wonderful job you do save the world and remember you will always be my one and only

Lots of Love Bryce 

I finished it and left it with a key on the kitchen table before walking out the door and driving away from all I have ever know with our memories on repeat in my head

Flashback- the day before I left for the army

I sat up quickly from my share bed with Mac excited that tomorrow I'm going to serve my country, but sad because this is the last day I will see Mac for a few months. I turn to my left to see Mac resting peacefully the worries of the world away from the brain also looking adorable as always 

'Mac, Mac' I shake him awake this is the last time I'll see him before I have to be shipped away as Mac has a mission and I wanted to say goodbye

'good morning Princess how did you sleep?' he questioned sitting up

'good Mac how was your mission' I told him kissing his cheek I was already dressed and ready for the day

'Good princess let me have a shower, brush my teeth and get dressed then we can have breakfast before I leave' he told me then got up and walked to the bathroom I waited for a bit before he came out looking like a god. walking up to me he gave me a peck and grabbed my hand walking us out to the kitchen were Bozer was cooking up a storm we just proceded to sit with each other and laugh before, Mac and Bozer were told to go into work

end of flashback

I was driving along the road when a car come out of nowhere and crashed into mine sending my car flipping over and everything went black

Mac's Pov

I drove home with Jack and Bozer really excited to see Bryce I haven't seen her in ages as of missions and her in the army. once we reached back home I raced inside everything was quiet, too quiet. 

'Bryce, Princess?' I called out Jack and Bozer looked at me puzzled whenever I came home when she was home she would run to me, but she didn't I saw a piece of paper on the counter must explain where she is, I walked over to it tears piled into my eyes as I read it she left she actually left me. tears slipped down my face Jack and Bozer turned to me with question.

'she left me, she actually left me' I told them tears falling from my eyes 

'I'm sure she has an explanation Mac hand it over maybe your to sad to understand the picture of it' Jack said I handed him the note and walked over to the couch where we would always cuddle up if we had time and watch movies. I sat there for about ten minutes with my head in my hands when my phone rings

'Hello Is This Angus MacGyver?' The person said

'yes this is he'

'Do you know Bryce Heart?' the person questioned

'Yes I do do you know where she is'

'yes, she is in a coma she got hit by a car for full details you must come in' They said

'I'll be there straight away what hospital' I asked on the brink of tears 

' St Marys see you when your here' they said then hung up 

I jumped up startling Jack and Bozer

'I need to get to St Mary's hospital now' I demand 

'Why what happened' 

'Bryce is in a coma'

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