cast Murdoc's partner in crime pt2

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Lucy's Pov

"Hey baby," I said walking into our apartment and sitting down next to Murdoc 

"Taken care of them this time?" he asked kissing my cheek 

"well I pointed the gun at Mac and told him to call Matty as you know, then made a deal with her she and her awful will stay away from us as long as I spare Mac so she agreed that they won't come after us if I spare Mac but I know her so I'm going to build a trap outside just in case" I told him pecking his lips reassuringly before getting up and walking around to find the things I need to stop them or know when they're near 

Peacing together the things I need I hid them in the door out of sight it was a camera that looked like a door number and a special system that if you don't have the correct equipment will blow up after 4.25 seconds but is silent so you won't detect it I made 2 of the correct piece of equipment one for Murdoc and one for myself I was just adding the finishing adjustments to my thing when Murdoc walked over pulling me up from my feet and turning me around to face him in the eye 

"why didn't you kill him baby girl?" Murdoc askes

'and deny you the pleasure of killing him yourself no way' I told him pulling from his grasp and finish doing the last bit of detail to the door and wall.

'baby girl we are getting married next week I want it to be perfect not ruined by to idiots' he told me placing his lips on my forcefully 

'don't worry darling they won't come near us and if they do I will go to Phoenix myself and harm Matilda Webber or should I say, Dalton' I told him  kissing him back before pulling away and handing him the key explaining what it was and how to use it then walked off into the bedroom.

TIME SKIP- Wedding

I stood there with my short white dress on this was not how I imagined my wedding to be but this is my life now it's nothing like it used to be now I stood at the end of the doorway I also always wanted my dad to walk me down the Aisle but that changed to maybe he can do that for Riley oh wait he can't haha.

 I slowly walked down to see Murdoc stood at the end of the aisle with that adorable smirk on his face holding his hand out waiting for me to take it no one is here except the vector who was going to marry us. I took his hand and we both faced the priest he went over the things, then said

'I now pronounce you, Man and Wife, you may kiss your bride' Murdoc lent in and kissed me slow and passionate we walked out the door and walked to our car but when we got there Mac and Jack were standing there I rolled my eyes and whipped out my gun and pointed it towards Mac while Murdoc pointed it towards Jack

'I thought I told you if you came near us again I would kill one of you' I said with annoyance and a smirk on my face

'Lucy we are not here to capture you just to see you and say congratulations' Jack said I looked at him funny when out the corner of my eye I saw a swat time

'funny story jack but your not secret enough' I told him elobing the person coming behind me in the face then punched to the side to knock off the next swat member while Murdoc did the same after knocking them all down I turned and looked at MacGyver

'So little Macky boy I need you for a second I'll give my gun to Murdoc you give your army knife and belt over to Jack I know what you can do with that' I told him handing my gun over to Murdoc while Mac did the same I pulled Mac over to the side and pushed him to sit down on the edge

"Why Did you come here I can't keep making excuse to Murdoc for not killing you," I asked him I generally pick the wrong decision  for going with Murdoc and not my dad but I couldn't stop it now I'm with him for the rest of my life I fucked up big time

"Why? why did you choose him over Jack?" Mac asked facing me 

"I don't know I was hurt I felt betrayed my own Mother gave me up to my father who didn't want me and didn't care about me but what hurt most was that Jack knew he had a daughter at home he forgot about me and treated Riley as his daughter" I told him turning away from him and looking towards the path 

"Why didn't you just tell him how you felt instead of dealing with the heartbreak also you regrate what you did now don't you?" Mac said looking at me 

'yes I regret it so much but I have to deal with my life chooses now Mac I just got married also he would kill me if I left with you guys even If  left with you after I went home' I told him facing him

'we will protect you but you need to get out of there is there any way you can?' Mac asked and told me 

'yes but I need you to act scared and run away with Jack then wait outside of the old warehouse where we first met then we can go' I told him 'Now MACGYVER leave with your friend or you won't have a life any more' I screamed standing up and pulling out my spare gun he signed Jack to Go with him then ran off and winked at me as he did so

I walked away from the spot over to Murdoc and gave him a look saying we should go home what he didn't know is I'm leaving him as much as this hurt to do I couldn't stand a moment longer in this life I derived to be in prison. Once we made it back to our apartment I went upstairs and changed then walked downstairs with my handbag which held a lot of money and a few personal things 

'Hey babe I have to go out and grab a few things' I told him giving him one last kiss then walked out of the door and made my way to the warehouse where I was meeting Mac

 ' Mac?' I called out into the warehouse as I stepped in I saw Mac tied to a chair with his head hung low

'did you really think I was going to let you walk out on me?' 

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