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Doctor's POV:
I try and get the TARDIS out of the weird force that was pulling us somewhere when I look over at the exact right time, and I see the bar brake that May was holding onto and I see her fall out the open door of the TARDIS, and it all seemed to go in slow motion as I run to the door and hopelessly try to grab onto her as tears began to swell in the back of my eyes 'she was the last of her kind and now she's gone, because I was selfish and took her with me.' I think to myself as I continue to push buttons and pull levers,
Eventually the shaking and everything stopped and I got out into a huge ship with many people or aliens should I say, but in my 900 years I've never seen them before, they were about the height of 6'3 and wore big white robes that hid they're faces "who are you and what do you want!?" I yell at the creature closest to me "we are the Nirbiruiens and we want you as our slave for what you did to us." Said the leader "I didn't do anything to you!" I yell, usually I would be this mad but they're the reason that May is probably dead now "On the contrary Doctor when you blew up your planet our's were hit, and we survived but we plan on putting you to work for killing the people we love!" Said the one closest to me stepping a bit closer to me, "isn't what you did to me already bad enough?! You killed my best friend, my companion, my love! And you did it all in cold blood!" "So did you!" "I had to destroy my planet yours should have fallen two but it did it's over with and at least you're not the last ones! Me and her were the last of our species and you just killed her off! So find do whatever you want, she was my world and now that she's gone there's no reason to fight." I say finishing my speech and falling to my knees.


They take me to a cell where on the other side is a girl, she's completely blue and I've met her she's a Tuctian there a race of very peaceful people at the edge of the gogry galaxy, "I am bluenamicanibe, and you are?" "The Doctor, can I call you Blue?" She just shakes her head ok, "so you're going to have to ware this." She says holding up a ridiculous suit that's as tacky as can be and would make anyone laugh at me for warring it, I take the clothes and begin to change I mean I'm 900 years old I've lost all shame whatsoever, so I just do it there without trying to hide. They forced me to clean but I'm not doing a great job, I do everything they say so I can keep my mind off of May, my now dead companion who I couldn't save.


May's POV:
I wake up to warm water being splashed on my face and I cough as I sit up, a hole bunch of blue people stand around me and stare at me "What the?!" I yell startled "don't be frightened miss, we're not gonna hurt you, we found you drifting in space and took you in, it's a miracle you're alive." "Where's the Doctor?" I ask the blue boy that seemed to be the person who treated me, he was blue with messy black hair and green eyes, he gave me a quizzical look "who's the Doctor?" "He's the man who was traveling with me." "I don't know." "Ma'am?" Asks a small voice in the corner, I turn to see a girl in rags with short black hair "Yes?" I ask "well do you mean the blue box I saw you fall out of, was this Doctor man in there?" "Yes?" "Oh no..." "what do you mean oh no?" "You're friend was abducted by the Nirbiruiens." "Well then let's go and get him." "No, we can't it's to dangerous." "But we have to, he's my friend, and if he's not there who's gonna stop these Nirbiruiens!" "If he was abducted by them, then he's dead!" "No! Not the Doctor!" "How are you so sure he isn't though?!" "Because he...he can't.., he wouldn't allow it I... I just have this little tiny ray of hope in the back of my head telling me he's ok." I say hugging my knees close to my chest as I begin to cry, and the cute blue man hugs me saying "hey now, don't cry it'll be ok." "What's you're name?" I ask drying my tears "Umm, its Noah." "Well Noah I'm May and I've quite enjoyed my stay here but I must go." I say breaking his embrace and getting up, as I began to leave Noah grabs my arm "where are you going?" "To save the Doctor." "You can't go alone." "Oh just watch me." I say pulling away from his embrace and walking down the hallway of they're ship "then I'm coming with you." Said Noah "me too." Said the small girl "Alright what's your name?" I ask stopping and turning around to look at them "I'm Emily." "Nice to meet you now, Noah do you have any guns?" "Do I have guns?" He says repeating my question and he begins to laugh "what's so funny?" I ask "you haven't even seen a gun until you've seen my guns." He says leading the way to a room full of guns "load up team." I say grabbing the smallest and biggest guns I found and putting them on my belt "alright team first we come in here and we need to get to the cell, Noah I want you guarding the entrance and Emily I want you to stay here and be our getaway drive, got it?" I ask both of them and neither answer "got it!" I yell slamming my fist on the table where the map of the ship laid "Yes ma'am!" They both yell saluting me, "good, now let's go kick some alien ass."

End of this chapter, hope you liked it, comment and vote below.

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