King of Pitiless Swamps

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Chapter 1 : Nothing but a fairytale

I open my fiercy , ablazing , dark red eyes hearing the sound of gurgling bubbles of water along with a quick shut in which is a dark brown treasure , mini sized box usually said to be found either in the light beige sand or in the deep blue depths of the sea. I sit up and lay on my side in my Queen sized looking bed and reach out over my orange night stand where my pale and clear hand have already streched over my alarm clock. My hand falls onto the alarm clock making it freeze - what it seems to be , in it's stance that is normal. A rectangled streched medium shaped box laids over fake marigold treasure below while the top is fully open attached to a string unoticeably behind. I sink into my previous spot and sit cross legged under white and baby blue , angetic pedals , and light reddish mixed with angry orange flowers followed by skinny light green long steamed bed sheets. Stretching my long arms then take out the thick , hard , pint sized crust between the ever so tiny corner like of my eyes using my right index finger out of five. Hmm. Everything is the same. My gaze

ends up scanning my room seeing a dark aqua blue and thick bubbles , color white walls , a small mini sized , dark yellow couch trapped in the corner of my room to the diagonal right , a human decoy stuffed figure on the floor by another corner to the right of the door , crazy kid style straw , endless looking ,

dark cheery colored , bony stairs in the middle between my bathroom and wardrobe at the left and right stretching below , my black entry kid style tunnel at the diagonal left , and neatly wrapped cotten candy pink curtains. I almost thought this wasn't my room for a minute there !

Then I find myself staring into space for a few moments then jets out of my bed ; half asleep crawling while landing on soft fluffy seaweed green colored , three layers of stairs out into the open. You would think that my room is clean now would you? ( scoffs ) ( sarcastic ) Pleeease. Good one. ( normal voice ) I'm not one of those - and I air quote , perfect teens that always their room cleaning, become Mommy and Daddy's favorite , wash my dish after I eat , and do my homework early type in which you could assume.

As of right now , I'm already throwing on a black suspended and mixed with white dress passing down my ankles along with a black pom pom hat over my black , long , straight , and curly ends hair pass my shoulders onto my back followed by black timerland boots. Then I add marigolds pearl shaped earrings onto my ears quickly one by one as I face a clear glass figure attached to the wall by my tunnel. Another me appears inside. I smiled back at a 5'6 , 13 year old girl then opens my bathroom door entering further to the right inside. Man I'm so happy! It's - .... What day is it? .. Oh ! Saturday ! Whoo hoo! While I quickly brush my teeth with my oh so helpful trusty brush then rinse and repeat twice. Then I end up having minty winter fresh style smelling mouth. Today is going to be soo exciting. ( squeals ) Oh my goodness. ( giggles alittle ) Finally this week is over the fact of being in school all day without any feeedom. I say this with pure honesty in my heart , being in the 7th grade isn't so fun when your school schedule has changed six times. You can say that I'm very smart. After taking care of my pale and clear face complection and brushing my repetitive shining white teeth and absolute baby pink gums , I come out of my bathroom speed walking ; making my way to the stretched out very thick wardrobe from my yellow robe hanging to the right and ending by the middle of my tunnel . ... - I push two moveable red sliding doors out of my way outfits neatly standing in mid air over a silver railing above .. where all of my shoes are .. ; except night slippers lined below out of the order .. and grab a spring button up colored velvet and white coat passing down my dress then excitingly skip to my tunnel bending down. Already in position , I push myself inside entering in plain pitch darkness. Wheeeeeeeee ! ( laughs ) What ? What would you do to kill time in a awesome tunnel you had ever since you were four and it used to be your baby sister's before the car accident happened? Have a blank stare while sliding further down? I didn't think so. I end up in the dining room at the diagonal right .. let alone the tunnel at the diagonal direction .. , at the middle but close to the edge of the tunnel. I quickly sit up straight , cross legged along with my jacket that laid behind me unattended to the left side of my hip.

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