King Of Pitiless Swamps

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Part 2

I mean , normally you would see a beat down , short , poorly built just for customers and the sake of space only for the purpose of business. Gasp. Jaulise and I listen to Mrs. Halvist's response as her light shade brown eyes look at us in eye contact truly looking needed , appreciated , welcome , and laidback.

Mrs. Halvist : " Oh your welcome Autumnyn dear ! My pleasure. Do you have your money I gave you Jaul ? "

I look at my best friend Jaulise when she isn't looking at me as she spoke up to her Mom in her feisty and spontaneous between loud and quiet feminine voice. My best friend and her Mom almost look the same ! Well , let's clarify. If you are to look at them , you can't say to Jaulise's Mom " That's not your daughter ". She is a twenty four year old big boned as well as thin in the waist light skinned woman .. - not that there's anything wrong with that .. wearing blue sweat pants and a silk long sleeve white t- shirt. Followed by a long pony tail of colors black and ice blue streaks of hair , timberland purple boots , and light shade eyes. Jaulise is a big boned through her shoulders and very slim in the waist. She has the same light brown eyes , but more brighter and sparkly. She's light skinned with curly black and honey long hair without being put into a ponytail. She is thirteen years old in the 7th grade just like me. She is in Sunset Paths Elementary school. Just like me. She wore pink skinny jeans with white streaks and an army black t-white medium sized jacket over her plain white V-shaped t-shirt at the light skinned neck stretching over in between both of pants pockets.

Including a very dark blue dye thick and long white huge poka dotted scarf wrapped around her neck with white uggs after calvis area. Without the clothing , see what I mean?

( I smile while shrugging my shoulders along with my long pale arms almost in a V-shaped and a "What are you going to do " look on my pale face )

Jaulise : " Yup. Got it Mom ! Love you ! "

I smile at Jaulise as my head slowly and alittle bit of a left quick pace turns away from Mrs. Halvist in which is Jaulise's last name seeing the ecstatic and impatient look on her face folding her medium lengthed arms over her chest and giving glimpses to the right of our side walk path like she does not want to miss out on anything. I laugh out in silence while exhaling at the same time as I turn my head to the left looking around at the hilly , grassy , watery , bridge like , and cement brick style design side walk scenery. Great line Town ; I honestly will say , is my favorite place to go to and where you can find me , in the whole wide world! Almost every one I know goes to Greatline Town. I can't describe it of how awe inspiring and amazing this Town really is.

I still loved the way it looks when it was first in reconstruction with that skinny cheese bus yellow and midnight black paper crossing the path.

( I sigh deeply in relief )

I remember when I was 8 , Milan hoisted me comfortably over his buff and muscular shoulders walking me down the light gray side walk paths pass by standers and others who walk at the opposite path from us couldn't help but believe that a new town was being constructed. All I could see is a thick , fat - and I mean tall as ever .. grown up ... tree in it's main colors of dark brown and dark broccoli / afro green touching the sky at the far far left. Before .. after. Before ..... after.

( I put on a meaning ful smile )

A thick , glistening bubble pops in front of me when hearing Jaulise's Mom speak up while Jaulise to the opposite of me slightly nodds her head in understanding. I could tell she must've trailed off into a conversation with her Mom. She is the gregarious type. HONK ! HONK ! Ahhhh ! ( in annoyance ) I'm awake , I'm awake !. Geez.

Mrs. Halvist : " You two have fun now. And stay together. Don't stay too late and call me when you need a ride back. Alright girls ? "

Jaulise answers just before I could. I could admit that it bugged the daylights out of me and is so annoying as I would be when with Milan. But it isn't a big deal. That always happened between us. Huh. We are that close. Just the kind of siblings rivalry connection. Either one would finish each other's sentence tell how one another felt as of then and there in their eyes , and could have a silent and some what playful , sign language arguement no matter how long the distance apart.

King Of Pittiless SwampsWhere stories live. Discover now