Chapter Two - Dark Grey Hair

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Draco POV

I woke up in a room that resembled a private muggle hospital room. I was badly battered and my head throbbed.

I tried to call out to someone but my throat hurt. I lay there in the dim room as flashbacks flooded my already painful head.

Where the fuck am I?

I stared around the room looking, remembering and scanning every object in the room just in case I'd need to. I was in a foreign country (I think) and there wasn't a single being in sight.

My leg was in a cast so there was no way I was about to go anywhere in a hurry anytime soon.

Wait, hold on. Why is my leg in a cast? Can't it be mended with magic? I searched the room for any signs of my wand although I wasn't about to hold my breath for it. I remembered that I had put it in my suitcase when I boarded the plane. We all had. I assumed my wand was now on the bottom of some freezing cold ocean by now.

I turned to my left and there on the bedside table, beside a glass of water lay...

My wand.

I shot up as fast as my migraine would allow and grabbed it. Mending my leg and fixing as many of my cuts and abrasions with the smallest amount of noise possible, I leaped out of bed.

I found my denim jeans hanging over the back of a chair near my bed and with a quick drying spell, I donned them.

The rest of my clothes were gone. So were my shoes.

I opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. There were doors like the one I stepped out of along the whole corridor.

I frantically searched each one, looking for my Heart. She had to be here somewhere. If I was, there was a chance she was too.

I remembered hoping against all hope as I swam towards the shore, jet fuel clouding my vision, that the body I dragged with me was her and that she was only unconscious.

I didn't dare check. I knew that if I saw that it wasn't, every ounce of will to survive would've left me then and there.

In the back of my mind I knew that if it wasn't her, she would've wanted me to save whoever it was. She would've wanted me to carry on. She would have wanted me to live.

It was for this reason that I never looked back at the unconscious figure. I held their head out of the water and swam. The whole time,I thought I could feel her long hair brush against my skin. Tears fell from my eyes as I swam. I didn't know what was real and what wasn't. The crash? The locks of hair tickling my arm? The shoreline I was swimming towards?

I couldn't feel my broken leg. I couldn't feel anything. All that was on my mind was her.

I opened the fifth identical door and stopped dead as a man in a black suit stood behind a mahogany desk.

The door on the outside looked like all the rest, the room on the inside however, was very different.

It was lined with bookshelves and multiple spaces had funny ornaments on them. The Navy blue carpet felt plush on the soles of my feet but the man that stood before me wore absolutely no expression whatsoever.

"Mr Malfoy. Please. Sit down."

He gestured to the armchair on the opposite side of his desk.

My eyes narrowed. This man had long dark grey hair. It fell past his shoulders but was straighter than a ruler. The style it had been cut into was also a remarkably straight horizontal line. It seemed that every hair on his head had been strategically placed on his scalp. He had deepset eyes that were a dark dark brown. Darker than Hermione's and definitely without the warmth, love and affection that hers always had.

He had a thick beard with a goatee on his chin. This obscured a lot of his face. His slim nose twitched in irritation as I stood in the doorway, still staring.

I opened my mouth to ask about Hermione. But he brandished a wand and before I could blink he had thrown me into the chair and restrained me so I couldn't move.

"It wasn't a question." He said. Still no emotion whatsoever.

"Where's Hermione?" I growled. My voice was hoarse and dangerous.

The man stared into my eyes and I saw them twinkle.


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