Ellen turned to face it, little chills going down her spine from the shrill noises coming from within the room. Was it a wise decision, well, you'll see. Ellen creeped over to the door and creeked it open, just a smidge and what she saw was strange. She had never been in her parents room before. She saw a four poster bed with words written in red on the wall behind it. It was hard to tell what the words said, so without thinking, Ellen opened the door a little more and she saw the words S H E E painted on the pack with, wait, was that blood. A bit shaken by that assumption she jumps backwards a little, but still she again opened the door more. Now the door was fully open and. The words BANSHEE were written in all caps, with blood, on the wall and on the bed she saw three figures. She took 3 steps and immediately recognized the figures. They were the bodies of her cat, wisp, dog, Lived, and her dad, Dan. They were all dead. Before now Ellen hadn't realized that the shrieking noises had stopped, but now she did. It was eerily quiet. Ellen slowly turned around and what she saw took her aback. Standing in front of her was a grey creature that was predominantly see through figure, with little splotches of wispy black hair and red eyes. It also had a red amulet held in one hand and a bone in the other. She recognized this creature as a banshee. It started talking but when it did an almost too familiar voice came out " Oh my mortal little child I am so sorry for our loss", then she recognized it "Mo-m-m" Ellen stammered, spitting the words out quietly " the creatures eyes sparkled as it said " Yessss deary, I am ssssoo sssorry I haven't exxxplained earlier" it said. "No NO" Ellen screamed, behind her mother was a picture of her mother and her father. In the picture her father had black, wispy hair, orange eyes, gray tinted skin, and, a crimson amulet strung around his neck. "NOOOO" Ellen screamed again. Her mother rested her transletsunt hand on her shoulder. "Yesss" she said and ellen felt the life being suck out of her.A single tear fell down her cheek and she never lived to see another day again.Hope you enjoyed this short story! If you want I will write a backstory for it. (I am really just trying to make this short story a bit longer) anyway, bye! have a nice morning, evening, or day.
HorrorEllen is an average 13 year old girl. She lived in an no town, or so she thought. When you really look at her town, it doesn't seem all so "normal". Want to know what happens, Read to find out!