My Dearest

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My Dearest,

The most exciting news gas come in! Ethan and I are going to take a trip together. We leave tomorrow, and we have no clue where we are going or how long we will be gone. It could be forever in nowhere. I'd quite like forever in nowhere with Ethan. There would be forever for his dazzling but positively unrealistic stories with nowhere to go and no one to interrupt. I do know that we are madly in love, and that will last anywhere for any amount of time. Everyone, meaning Sally, John, and my mother, say that Ethan and I are not in love and my mind is just fooling me. But love is an idea not a thing, isn't it my dearest, so all love is everyone's mind fooling them. So, to "everyone" I say potato, potatoe on this whole love and mind tricks thing. Though, no one really says potatoe I suppose. And, frankly, if you say potatoe it is not a "potato, potatoe" matter; you'll be the only one speaking of potatoe chips, while the rest of the population is speaking of potato chips, and those two groups are not a "potato, potatoe" matter. Unless, I suppose, it is plausable that some accent somewhere uses potatoe. In that case it would be a "potato, potatoe" matter because they could very well be writing on this very same matter about how odd it is to say potato. I'll have to stash away this whole "potato versus potatoe" business to share with Ethan. You need an awful lot to talk about with forever in nowhere.

Xx Emma

My Dearest,

Ethan and I have just left on out trip-- we are now calling it our "forever to nowhere" trip, though that is just between us too now. Mother was rather concerned that I would actually be gone forever in nowhere with Ethan. I can share with you, however, my dearest as you are trustworthy. We've only been on the road a few hours but I'm already overwhelmed by a sense that something spectacular is going on with Ethan and I. He understands me in everyway, despite my lack of ability to word my feelings properly, and how often we ran into each other... I can't help but feel like it is the work of fate. Maybe Mother is right and this isn't love but something much greater. I_

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