Chapter 11

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"I am going to be flat out because I want to know, do you like me?" He was so close we were inches apart, I could feel his breath on my body and I could hear his heartbeat. He wasn't much taller than me only a couple inches, it felt easy to just look in his eyes because they were a little higher than my eye level. Finally I came out and said it.

"I don't not like you but I also don't want word to get out if we became a thing because it's not good to work in the same place and date." He took my hands and it caught me so off guard my heart skipped a beat. His hands against mine felt good, it felt natural and not forced. He looked at me and a faint smile spread across him.

"Well it's a good thing we don't work together, our squads have just crossed on complete accident. And who cares what other people think, I heard you didn't give two shits what other people thought of you."

"That's because I don't. What other rumors are people saying about me? Just out of curiosity."

"Well I don't usually listen to what people say because if I want to know something about you I would just ask, but i've heard various things here and there. I have heard people say how you are strict and mean, to people saying how you have a nice body and your sexy. I've heard people say they want to strangle you and I have heard people say they want to marry you."

"Oh, that's great." I looked down to try a figure out why I was apparently mean, they probably meant when I lead a group and they didn't like how I was 'bossy'. But it was my leadership that they are still alive and are going home soon. Brock dropped my hands and lifted up my head.

"Vic, don't look down. Look at me, it doesn't matter what they say."

"I know." We were completely interlocked into each other and our eyes didn't look away from each other.


"Why do you like me?"

"Why do I like you? Well because you are your own person and do what you want when you want. You are not afraid of the consequences that comes after, and you stick up for people. You treat everybody equally and you are probably the bravest person I have ever met. Those are just some of the reasons why I like you, because you're special." I started blushing and he saw me I tried looking down but his hand was still lifting up my chin towards his face.

"You have a lot of reasons."

"It's hard not to when every part of you is perfect."

"A person may be all perfect on the inside but they can be facing a world of pain in the inside. What is the biggest reason why you like me? My last question."

"The biggest reason why I like you is probably because you can stick up to the captain. I have never in my career met somebody who wasn't afraid to stick up to him. When I first saw you I was standing outside because one of my friends went in there so I was watching to see if he was going to get honorably discharged because that's what everybody was saying was going to happen to him. You happened to be in there first and the captain was talking, yes I could hear through the glass, and I can't remember what he said but you didn't like it so you basically told him to not do something and that it was a bad idea.

After you said that you got into a fight and I remember him saying if you didn't back down you would get suspended and you told him you weren't going to go through with it and left. Then you came back because you forgot something and when you heard he was firing my friend you did the most courageous thing I have ever seen anyone do. You stood in front of him and told captain flat out if he was firing my friend he was going to have to fire you too, you know what though, my friend didn't get fired thanks to you and now he has changed and isn't being an ass to his commanders."

"Yeah I remember that me and the captain got in a fight because he said my squad and I were going to start this new training but they were not ready and were tired from what I was putting them through. And the second time I went in there I didn't even know why he was going to fire him I just knew I have seen him around and he doesn't deserve to be fired because I knew he didn't do anything bad otherwise word would have gotten around."

"Yeah when I first saw you stick up to the captain I thought you were his daughter because nobody stands up to him but then people told me you guys were nowhere near close to be related and I had instant respect for you." I looked up at those gorgeous blue eyes and smiled, truly from the heart I smiled. "But now I have a question for you Vic, why do you like me? I would have never would have imagined an amazing woman like you falling for a guy like me."

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