Chapter 17

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"Oh my god, is the president okay?" He was moving faster now and had everything on except for shoes and socks.

"As of 20 minutes ago she was alive but that is a long time. She could be alive one second dead the next so we need to hurry."

"Where is she in the house?"

"I'm not sure captain said he would fill me in on the rest when we get there."

"The captain called you?"

"Yes, how else was he supposed to reach me?"

"How does he know where to send the planes?"

"It wouldn't surprise me if he used the location off all our phones." We grabbed a piece of fruit as we walked out of the house. As soon as we walked out the plane was already landing, we locked the door and ran to it.

"Good morning, General Veronica." one of the guys helping us onto the plane said.

"Morning General." He said nodding at Brock. "Great way to start off the day." He was now yelling since it was hard to hear in the air. He filled us in on what he could and said we would be at the white house in about 23 minutes, and that the plane was pretty fast and the pilot was good. He told us air force one was flying around the white house trying to find any survivors and or terrorists. When we got there I immediately looked around for our group, only a couple of use were there.

Katie, two commanders from Brock's squad and another general from mine. We were still missing Andrews, two more generals and four commanders and then that was it. When everybody got there Captain Norfolk filled us in, they didn't know exactly where but they knew she was someplace in the west wing. They had their bets at the end of the wing so we had to stay sharp and be aware of our surroundings. He said there was definitely still terrorists in there because they saw a whole lot go in and only 10 of them died on the front lawn. We got guns and ammo, I grabbed a couple grenades and went to talk to Captain alone.

"Captain, out of all the squads in the world why did she choose mine?"

"I am not entirely sure, she specifically asked you so I am putting my best bet on the fact that she probably really trusts you and out of all the troops in the world, she wants you to protect her."

"Oh, okay." I walked away to help people get a move on, when everybody was done we went back to the Captain.

"Okay men and women listen up." He said. "We are sending four troops to escort you to the front steps but from there you guys are on your own. You will need to be quick because they shut us out of the system so we believe they have control over the security cameras. Be ready in 10 our escort team is getting prepped."

I walked over to the table and grabbed some black paint and put it in my dump pouch, if they had control of the camera's we could spray paint on them so they couldn't see where we were headed. Then I grabbed a com and talked to the Captain to make sure he could hear me. I recommended everyone else take a com so if by any chance we did get separated we could find each other.

Norfolk called us over and we went over the game plan, next thing I knew he was looking me in the eye and telling me to be careful. Seconds later I was leading our team across the lawn behind a team of S.W.A.T., they told us good luck and then ran back across the yard.

"All right, let's do this." I ran inside and checked left side and we all filed in going in opposite directions checking the front room, I waved towards the hall and we crept down the hallway. I stopped and told them to slow, I grabbed the paint and stood directly under the camera and then sprayed it black. I dropped it back into my pouch and we kept moving.

We went down the hall, made a sharp right turn and continued down the hall. We turned left and went down the west wing, we checked the front rooms and instead of finding the President right away we found some terrorists instead. My squad stacked up against the wall and we ran inside, I went left, Katie went right, a general named Jose followed me left and then they all just continued the pattern, there were only 5 guys in the room but they were all dead and one guy shot at me but it flew right past me and into the wall.

Whoever trained them didn't train them very good. We checked the closet and there were men back there. I threw a grenade in the and shut the door. "TAKE COVER!!!!" The door blasted into the room we were in and I checked the closet, they were all dead so we went back into the hallway. Brocks squad checked two other rooms and then we pulled up a plan to find the President faster, Brocks squad would be Bravo squad and would check the east side of the west wing and I would pull my squad which we named Alpha 2 would check the west side of the wing.

We broke apart and continued, I gave them a can of paint and kept the last one with us because I had only brought three but I already used up one. Andrews lead Alpha 2 since I was helping a commander in the middle of our line. We had contact in a room and we were stacked up on the side again. The door was closed but we could hear them talking, I signaled Andrews to be last since he had a strong kick to bust the door open, then that put me in second putting Jose first since he offered to be first.

He leaned back so I tapped Katie behind me and it was just a chain everybody leaned back quietly signally Andrews to come up since we were ready. He busted the door open then went to the side and watched our rear we went in the door as a unit, and did the same pattern as last time. They had flipped the desk and we were caught in fire. I sneaked behind a desk to the right and tried to come up behind them. These people were a lot better than the people at the front of the white house. I was crouching behind a desk waiting for the fire to slow so I could fire when they threw a grenade my direction.

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