Michael B. Jordan
Riley has been in every class with Michael since grade school, but when he becomes a famous actor, she never had a chance to tell him how she felt.
Well Michael comes back to his home state, New Jersey, to visit old family and fri...
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Me, Travis, and Riley all went out to eat to celebrate the first successful day on set. Paparazzi has been HELL since I've came back to visit. After dinner, the first thing we hear when we step out the restaurant is,
"Michael do you and Riley date?" "Riley do you and Michael date?" "Travis tell us some info." "Michael we're gonna get a answer from one of you" "Riley is his bed nice?"
...is my bed nice? What the hell...
We make our way to the Suburban which my bodyguard is driving and we head back to Travis's house.
"Y'all gone have to tell the media soon," Travis says.
Jaliyah hasn't called nor texted me in two days; I'm kinda scared she might have a trick up her sleeve.
"Riley I think you should stay here-
"What you mean?" She says.
"Yeah, What you mean MICHAEL?" Jay says.
"Jaliyah ain't text me in two damn days. She might be up to something."
"I ain't scared of her."
"Okay. But you don't know, she might have people jump you or something."
"Jump me? I wish somebody wo-
"Okay Riley."
It's quiet for a couple minutes.
"Y'all know that house for rent just a couple houses down?"
"Yeah..." Travis says.
"I'll rent it. You can stay there until I hear back from Jaliyah." I tell Riley.
"No Riley. I hurt you; really bad and I just want to make sure your okay. Please?"
"You don't have to do this for me I'm okay."
"And what if your not? You know she's crazy she might have people out to shoot you; to shoot me!"