Michael B. Jordan
Riley has been in every class with Michael since grade school, but when he becomes a famous actor, she never had a chance to tell him how she felt.
Well Michael comes back to his home state, New Jersey, to visit old family and fri...
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"Mo I just wish he'd remember me." I complain through the phone.
"Riley, sis...."
"What?" I whine.
"He probably does! Think positively."
"Oh yeah like he'll remember the girl that had a crush on him ever since 5k and someone told him I stalked him in high school. If he does remember me, he'll remember the stalking part which isn't even true."
"Stooopppp Riley. He's visiting Jersey in a couple days, maybe you can meet up with him or something."
"Just try." She begged.
"Fine! But if I end up looking stupid imma kill you!" I hang up.
Me and Michael have been in the same class together ever since grade school. He's never noticed me, I was always in the back of the class. I made sure I was able to see him though, his smile, his walk, his wave, his nose, his dimples, ugh. I was finally going to make my move in senior year but he became very busy with his acting career and I didn't want to be in his way.