Chapter eiGht

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"How do you feel now that you actually met them?"Frida asked as she plopped herself down on the couch.

"I like them alot..." I started as I walked my way to Frida.

"Yeah, I saw that... laying on Haechan?" She looked at me with a questioning face.

"What? I didn't mean to and he seemed fine with it, he's kind." I started to get irritated.

"Whatever you say, Elyse." Frida said as she bit into her cheese stick and grabbing herself the remote.

"What's on...Strong Girl Do Bong Soon? Okay." 

"Frida..." I said slowly turning my head to the right making eye contact with her cheek.

"Yes..." She said mocking me while turning her head and looking at me.

"So, if I am wrong about there anyone else you have a small crush on?" I said in a cute and innocent tone so she wouldn't hit me.

"Huh! Wha, what about you?!" She said sounding startled.

"There is! Isn't there?!" I pushed myself up and turned my whole body facing her.

"Well... I mean. There could be maybe two..." She looked away making me more excited.

"Who!!!!! Tell me, tell me, tell me." I sounded like a child in the candy store that wanted candy.

"You could say, you were not that far off..--"

"Jaehyun!!!" I interrupted.

"Yeah--but before you interrupt me with your I was right, I'm so smart nonsense let me finish. I think if we were under different circumstances then it maybe we would have a chance."

"First, I wouldn't brag and second, who says you can't like one another? and third, who's the other guy you like?" I asked so excited to hear who the second guy she liked because I honestly have no clue.

"One, you would, two, because of work, and three...Ten.."

When I heard her say Ten I think I might have stopped breathing out of shock.

"Now Elyse, tell me who you like off first impression." She said with this look in her eyes that made be back up a little.

"Um, well I just met them. But I guess I'll tell you one from each unit?" Frida nodded her head in agreement.

"In U~ Win-win, in 127~Johnny, in Dream~Jeno, and overall 2018... I would say Mark." I was a little hesitant when saying Mark because I have no clue but he intrigues me.

"Mark, you say?" Frida said with a smirk on her face.

I knew she would think this way.

"Not like that,Frida. It's because Mark and I are the same age, okay?" I said as I got up from the couch and made my way into my room.

I flung myself onto my bed and drifted fast to sleep.

Intern~Mark(NCT) PT.1Where stories live. Discover now