Chapter sixtEn

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"Do you think they are sleeping together?" I heard a muffled voice behind the door.

I think nothing of it and stretch to my full length hitting something in the process.

I look over to my side and see that I just wacked Mark staight in the head.

He sat up as he opened his eyes and looked at me with annoyince.

"Sorry, sorry." I said rubbing his head and he just layed back down.

"Tell them to shut up. I have an hour left to sleep before I have to get ready for practice." I nodded and liffted the blankets back up past his shoulders and tapped him before walking to the door.

I swung the door open and glarred at the boys who were whispering out side the door waking me up.

"Omo! Elyse!" Taeil said smilling and I just shook my head at how cute but annyoing he can be.

"Johnny? You too?" I looked up at the taller male and he looked away not able to make eye contact with me.

"You guys are something else." Jaehyun walked passed us three shaking his head.

"They were just worried for Elyse, Jaehyun." Yuta followed past us with Jaehyun to the kitchen.

"What would they have to worry about? She's not Mark's type." Taeyong walked into the restroom and I imaginary face palmed myself.

Does everyone just barge into conversations?

But wait, what did Taeyong say?

Not his type?

I got a little defensive hearing that they don't think Mark would make a move on me.

"Not his type? I'm everyone's type!" I said raising my voice a little earning a small chuckle from Johnny.

"Are you?" I heard a shaggy voice say from behind me sending chills down my spine.

I tunred around and saw Mark with his face crunched but soon turned into a smile as he seen my shocked face.

"Yes, I am very smart. I speak English,Spanish, and Korean. I am pretty you can't lie, I'm short, have a nice style, good taste in music, and have an amazing personality." I was so full of myself I felt as of I was back home arrguing with my family.

"You might have some good aspects I admit but Mark likes girls with long black hair" Jaehyun said walking back to his room with a bowl of cereal.(a//n~ got this from kprofile)

"Elyse, you're probably only like Jeno or Chenle's type. They like everyone." Johnny was hierarchical and I just glarred at him.

"I could be anyone's type. Maybe Mark is lying to you all, he hasn't even had a girlfriend. None of you have." I pout and cross my arms.

"Elyse, c'mon it's not like you have feelings for him." Taeil said laughing and puttinf his arm over me.

"I wouldn't say that, she kissed me last night." Mark stated out of nowhere and I started hitting him.

"Wait! Elyse you--" Taeyong started to say but I cut him off by yelling, "No, that's a misunderstanding."

I pushed Mark back into the room and closed the door.

"You really are something." I say hitting Mark upside the head.

"What-what did I do?" He rubbed the spot I had hit him before.

"I didn't kiss you, I forgot how close we were!" I raised my voice and got closer to him making him back up a bit.

"Ohhh,okay." Is all he said.

"We will not talk about it ever and will not speak about last night ever." I said before walking out of the room and towards the door.

"I'm going down, Frida should be there now. Byee!" I yelled and ran as fast as I could down the stairs.

Intern~Mark(NCT) PT.1Where stories live. Discover now