💎Crystals And Their Colour (part 1)💎

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The colours of a crystal are created by minerals and trace elements. Let's look at some examples. When Hematite is present, the crystals may be red or silver—Hematite is a deep, blood red when raw but it magically transforms into silver when polished. Rutile (titanium) turns Quartz pink to create Rose Quartz, but also presents as the golden or green threads in Rutilated Quartz. Iron stains crystals yellow, whereas Chlorite turns them green, and so on. Colours have specific and general properties, as well as chakra links and associations through which healing is facilitated.

Activity: Sensing Colour

You need one crystal of each colour for this exercise.

Lay the crystals out in a rainbow arc of colour, starting with black and brown at one end and finishing with white and silver at the other.Open your palm chakras. Run your most receptive hand along the arc of colour starting with the black. Let yourself feel the energy change as you move from one colour to the next. (Do this with your hand rather than your mind, although you can tell yourself "This is what black feels like; this is how blue feels", and so on.)When you have done this a few times, close your eyes and let yourself sense which colour you have touched. Then open your eyes to check.Now mix up the colours into a swirl and then run your hand over them with your eyes closed.Pick up a crystal and sense what colour it is before you open your eyes to check.

How did you get on? Did you find that you were able to sense the colour of the crystals with your eyes closed? Don't worry if you find this difficult at first. As with anything, the more you practice this exercise, the easier it will get.

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