✨Crystals to Help Plant's Grow✨

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1) Moss agate

Probably the number one stone used amongst gardeners. This promotes grounding, connection to nature and helps bring out your green thumb. It is also known to bring vitality to your plant and helps you create a connection or bond with your green friends.

 It is also known to bring vitality to your plant and helps you create a connection or bond with your green friends

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2) Moonstone

Well it goes without saying this has the energies of the moon, but moonstone is said to promote rest. Used by Native Americans, and considered a favorite, moonstone promotes restorative health. It is a symbol of fertility and will make happy plants.

 It is a symbol of fertility and will make happy plants

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3) Green Calcite

A stone ideal for a space that is too loud, this stone helps soothe anxious and stressed plants. Offering this lovely stone to your plants will result in a lush and happy garden.

 Offering this lovely stone to your plants will result in a lush and happy garden

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4) Malachite

Used by the Egyptians, malachite is the stone of fertility and vegetation, so it makes sense to place this in the garden! This stone encourages growth and abundance in a strong supportive environment. An excellent stone if your garden is effected by EMF. If you have an electrical panel or tower near your garden your plants will suffer. Place a malachite stone to help protect them.

 Place a malachite stone to help protect them

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5) Clear Quartz

This stone is known as the master healer. Every holistic healer has this stone in their bag of tricks. A work horse for many things, clear quartz is not only a great general stone to promote vitality it also helps boost and power up other stones. If you don't know where to start and the idea of putting rocks in your garden seems funny, start here. This one will do wonders and help you ease into healing stones.

 This one will do wonders and help you ease into healing stones

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6) Tigers Eye

The stone of courage and strength, tigers eye will foster root growth. Helps bring harmony to the garden and also helps maintain wealth.

 Helps bring harmony to the garden and also helps maintain wealth

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7) Citrine

Citrine warms, cleanses, and energises you and your garden. Highly protective, citrine makes a great tool for transmuting negative energy into positive energies. It is associated with the solar plexus and helps enhance your garden environment. It is also the merchants stone, giving you abundance in your life. If your garden falls in the back left corner of your home, place citrine there to bring vitality to your garden and finances!

 If your garden falls in the back left corner of your home, place citrine there to bring vitality to your garden and finances!

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