💎Crystals And Their Colours (part 2)💎

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The Crystal Rainbow

Here is a basic guide to the properties of the colours in crystals: Silver-gray: metallic with alchemical properties of transmutation; traditionally imparts invisibility, making excellent journeying crystals.

Black: Strongly protective and grounding; entraps and transmutes negative energies; an excellent detoxifier, although some, such as Obsidian, work cathartically and need to be used with care.

Brown: Resonates with the Earth chakra; strongly cleansing and purifying; grounding and protecting; absorbs toxic emanations and negative energies, and induces stability and centeredness.

Pink: Exceedingly gentle, carrying the essence of unconditional love; provides comfort and alleviates anxiety; excellent "first aid" emotional healer; overcomes loss, dispels trauma, and promotes forgiveness and attainment to universal love.

Peach: Gently energising; unites the heart and sacral chakras, combining love with action.

Red: Resonates with the base and sacral chakras; energies and activates, strengthening the libido and stimulating creativity; draws off or generates energy as required; traditionally treats blood, haemorrhages, and inflammation.

Orange: Resonates with the sacral chakra; vibrant and vital; stimulates creativity and assertiveness; grounds projects into the physical world.

Yellow: Resonates with the solar plexus chakra and the mind; instills clarity; balances the emotions and the intellect; golden crystals have long been associated with wealth and abundance.

Green: Resonates with the heart chakra; provides emotional healing and activates compassion; calming and cleansing, instilling tranquillity.

Green-blue and turquoise: Activates the third eye, uniting heart and intuition; promotes profound peace and relaxation; resonates with higher levels of being, and stimulates spiritual awareness and metaphysical abilities, drawing higher consciousness down to Earth and anchoring it.

Blue: Resonates with the throat, third eye, and soma chakras; stimulates self-expression and assists communication; links to the highest states of consciousness; stimulates intuition and metaphysical abilities, bringing about mystical perception.

Lavender/lilac/purple: Resonates with the soul star and stellar gateway (the higher crown) chakras and multi-dimensional realities; draws spiritual energy into the material plane and opens metaphysical abilities; encourages service to others.

White: Resonates with the higher crown chakras and highest realms of being; powerful energiser, purifies and heals the aura and the physical body; radiates energy out into the environment; carries the vibration of pure light and higher consciousness.

Combination and bi-coloured: Creates exciting possibilities; synergies the qualities of component colours to work holistically. Often more effective than individual parts, the vibrations are raised to a higher energetic frequency.

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