chapter 3

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Cc's pov

I can't believe im actually at Leeds Fest, with my gang of friends. There are loads of bands and singers here and someday I want to be doim what there doing, but If , my family have it there way I'm going to Harvord Uni and im going to become a lawyer.

After we had set up our tent, we set off to the main stage, alcohol in hand and walkie talkies in our pockets. when we got there the first band was playing and everyone was dancing away with more than a couple of bottles of booze. Me being me joined in all the drinking and was on my 15th bottle of kopperburg and my 7th vodka shot when the band was only half finished.

Just before the next band was due on stage I got a call from Jake telling me to come to the VIP section to meet him.

"Hey Jake what's up?"

"Well Cc the next band hasn't turned up and well they just aren't coming, so I thought that you would have a plan"

"sorry Jake I have no clue unless you no someone who can sing, then your stuck"

"Cc your amazing now get up on that stage"


the next thing I know I was being dragged towards the stage and bumping into some blonde boy

"oh my god I'm so sorry but I have to go"

meanwhile with Luke

I was just walking along minding my own business, when I was knocked off my feet by the most gorgeous brunette. she said something to me but I was to preoccupied looking into her smokey blue eyes to understand what she was saying.

I ran back to the lads and told them about the girl who I bumped into and by the end of my speech they all had agreed to help me find her.

"hey guys I heard that there was an unknown singer performing on the main stage"

"what are we waiting for then lets go ro the main stage" sometimes I question just how old Niall is.

all of us but Harry were at the main stage waiting for the singer to come on . Harry decided he was going to go to the car to get some more beer for later on.

just then the crowd cheered for the singer, who we could now see, was a girl. The girl looked out at the crowd and introduced herself as Cc, that voice I had heard it before and when I looked closer I realised it was that girl that bumped into me.

things just got a whole lot better for me. Never in my life had I been so excited to heat what someone's voice sounded like, until now.


Sorry for the long wait guys anyway here's chapter 3

hope you like it

lizzy xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2014 ⏰

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