Chapter 4

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Lucy's POV

I was pulled out of darkness by a sharp pain in my chest, my eyes shot open as I felt cold hands on my chest where I knew my wound is.

I screeched as I looked into dark green eyes that belonged to an unfamiliar old lady with grey hair up in a bun.

"Calm down idiot, you're going to re-open your wounds" She said in a soothing voice making me calm down.

"Who are you?" I asked quietly as I lay back down and focused on my breathing since my chest hurt and I was finding it hard to breath.

"I'm the lady who saved your life" She said as she grabbed a wet rag from a bowl of water and put it on my head making me shiver but feel better.

"What happened?...wait...Where the hell is Juvia?" I asked with panic in my voice while looking around me frantically.

"Once again calm down idiot. She's upstairs in the spare bedroom, she lost alot of blood because of where her injury is. She will probably be asleep for a while longer." She explained making me calm down, there's just something about her that makes me calm and relaxed.

"You're lucky that your own injury wasn't a bit more to the left. If it was then you would of lost your life instantly. How stupid do you have to me to fall off a cliff" She scoffed making my eyes go wide at the words that left her mouth.

I stayed silent as she scurried into the kitchen. In my silence I started to drift off into a deep relaxing sleep, but then a thought shoved it's way into my head making me wide awake.

'What the hell was Ivan Dreyer doing?'

I racked my brain for an answer for what seemed like hours, just to come up with nothing. I huffed out as huff of air before looking to my side to try and see what my 'saving grace' was doing for so long in the kitchen.

I chuckled out loud at my thoughts, saving grace my ass. She's rude as hell...but she did save my life. She kinda reminds me of someone...their name is on the tip of my tongue.

Oh I know who! Porlyusica! Now that I think about it she looks almost identical to Porlyusica and looks to be around the same age. I wonder if-

I was cut off by a loud bang from just above me. "Juvia!" I shouted as I bolted upright.

I quickly hobbled up the stairs and turned to the closest room to me and slammed the door open to see Juvia on the floor face down.

Before I could reach her the old lady sped past me and helped Juvia back onto the bed.

"Who are you?" Juvia asked looking up at the women as they both sat on the bed, with Juvia leaning on her and the lady having her arms around my bestfriend.

"I'm porlyusila. Porlyusica's sister, I also master in comat and a bit of requip magic." She told us, Juvia looked up at her shocked and I was just as shocked with my mouth hanging open, "and I'm going to teach you everything I know".


I'm backkkkkk! This story will be off hold now and I'll try to update as much as I can! Love you all byeeee❤❤!!!

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