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"Babe, why'd you wanna be an Obstetrician Gynecologist?"
she curiously asked after prying at my registration form.

"Because I wanna see vaginas every day I go to work." I cheekily replied earning a quick curse word from her, followed by the laughter that makes my heart flutter. "You know my mom wants me to take this right? Just wanna make her happy and it's kind of interesting, imagine witnessing something comes to life." I answered seriously, having a dreamy tone at the end. I looked at my girlfriend who was giving me a soft gaze.

"You're really something Kim Namjoon, that's why I love you damn much." she suddenly blurted out making both of our cheeks tinted with crimson red. I felt my heart swell with her words, placing a loving kiss on her forehead.

"I love you just as much jagi." I answered honestly. "Enough with this cheesiness, how about you? You sure you don't want to pursue being a doctor? a pediatrician, you dream of becoming one right?" I inquired back on answering my form.

"You know  our family can't afford sending me in med school right? I have to work as soon as possible cause my dongsaeng is pregnant. There's just a lot of things happening right now, maybe being a doctor is not for me." she answered half-heatedly, the sadness in her voice making me stop on what I'm doing giving her a concerned look, an idea forming in my head. Immediately reading what I had in mind she pouted at me. "Don't you dare Namjoon, it's definitely a big ass NO." she sternly said.

"Just think this through please? I'm sure my parents won't mind, they love you just like they love me. You can pay them back jagi, we can work together on paying them? Please?" I still tried to persuade her, trying to push my luck even of the chances are as small as his friend named Jimin.

"It's still a no babe, I'm fine being a nurse. I've already submitted my resumè to various hospitals and just waiting for an interview, I'll be fine believe me. Just finish answering that form so you can pass it and we can head home." she said with such finality making me pout, but I knew better. Once she says no, it's still a no till the end. I sighed heavily, finishing the task I have at hand.

4 years later

Everything was going smoothly, I got into Seoul National University Hospital for my 4 year Medical Degree, having another week before I start 4 years of being a resident doctor for me to be a legitimate OB-Gyn. Y/ N and I are still together during those times, she now works as a nurse at Asan Medical Center in the Cardiology department. We continue to support one another through those tough times, although we rarely see each other due to the conflicting schedule, we still manage to find ways on how to talk with one another every day. #ThePowerofTechnology.

I rub my palms over my face in a frustrated manner, as I sit on my bed plans on taking my girlfriend on a date ruined. My room mate Hoseok came giving me a concerned look upon seeing my state.

"You okay?" he asks curiosly, tossing his bag at the end of his bed kicking off his shoes as well before sitting on his bed looking at me, waiting for an answer.

I huff before getting off my bed walking towards my closet. "Dr. Choi suddenly called, it's suppose to be our break today but something came up and we need to have our lecture in his class then proceed on our final exam on his subject as well. You know how strict he is, so I can't miss this." I rambled as I look for something to wear.

"What's your face though? You look constipated." I turned to him giving him a glare, he just flick my annoyed look with a shrug as he lay on his bed.

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