Chap Five

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"the best friend"

"Hey Ava, Alicia, I would like to cordially invite you to a party I will be hosting this weekend"

Alicia and I turned around to see grinning Teala, a tall and pretty, but quite airheaded, African-American girl stood demurely in front of us, and a small, dark-skinned girl next to her holding a plastic bag full of what I would assume are invitations. Teala always held the grandest parties in her family's beach mansion, always has the best liquor, and she invites everyone, even the social outcasts, and college kids. The usual.


Alicia plucked two invitations from the small girl and we both waved as they walked away.

We read the invitation, which was just "Come to my party!" and the time and venue placed on the bottom, printed in fancy calligraphy. That girl was always so extra, if only she could exert that much effort in her academics.

"Another party and it's almost the end of junior year, how many parties is it this year A?" Alicia asked as we made our way to our last period of the day, truth be told I was still thinking about what Noah did during lunch, but I wasn't feeling that flustered anymore. It's a surprise Alicia hasn't noticed anything yet, she's usually the only one who really asks me relevant questions. Besides the one she just asked, that's such unnecessary information.

I shrugged, "Who cares? Frankly, I don't know why so many kids throw so many parties at different successions in the same year, like aren't parties supposed to have a meaning that's why you hold them? The way they do it is just a poor attempt to show off their power and money" I said in a disdainful tone.

Alicia just chuckled, "You're always the cynical one A, I was just asking for an estimated quantity. Not a phenomenological response, but I guess you're right. The way they hold parties is stupid, but it's fun so why complain, right?" She asked with a grin on her face.

I rolled my eyes, "You're starting to sound like Teala, next you're going to start wearing green because it "saves the trees" or whatever"

Alicia laughed harder, "You're so full of amazing information and analogies, I need to keep you shielded from the world and all of its horrible beings" she said in a light but sarcastic tone.

I gently pushed her away and shook my head, she's the precious one if you ask me.

After class ended, Alicia and I went to the restroom to re-touch. As I was glossing my lips and she was re-applying mascara, one girl from the gaggle of freshmen behind us strode forwards, a fake bravado of confidence surrounding her, her knees were visibly shaking, so I was guessing she was either going to start complimenting us and then ask for something, or ask something and then throw slight shade.

So I capped the gloss wand and Alicia tucked her mascara bottle back in her makeup kit and we turned around to face her, her group was huddling on one side, and she put one hand on her hip as she started to inhale deeply, I hope she wasn't the type to throw spit while she talks.

"Uh, is it true that you and Noah Campbell are secretly dating?"

She didn't have to mention a name to know that it was aimed at me, I almost faltered but I narrowed my eyes at her and slowly smiled, "I don't find it appropriate that any of my personal life should be discussed by other people, and neither do I find any obligation to explain myself since that would be another chance for Ruby or anyone else to start any more stories about me. But if you must know, we're not in any form of relationship, we're coincidentally partners for a project but nothing more than that, we're not even friends. So lovers is out of the question. Do I make myself clear now?"

She audibly gulped and nodded, then she turned to her group and nodded her head towards the door and they all went out in a haste, their leader almost tripping herself and Alicia coughed her laughter.

I exhaled and turned around, Alicia was giving me a look, "What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Alicia's grin just grew wider, "Oh you know what I mean, don't act all coy little missy, I know what happened before" she said before putting her makeup kit back in her bag. All the blood in my face almost drained, but I shook my head and slipped my lip gloss back in my own kit, don't tell me other people know about that too.

"Don't stress your curls, I'm the only one who knows, and nobody's here to listen anyway"

Suddenly, I was expecting for someone to just barge outside a stall or drop from the vent and say, "Not really" but I was just being paranoid again. I zipped up my bag and slung it across my shoulder, "I'll see you tomorrow Ali" I said, calling her by her given nickname, which she hated hearing, and exited the girl's restroom. Her complaints echoed across the room as I shut the door close.

A small grin itself on my lips as I walked towards the school exit, as soon as I placed my hand on the door handle, another hand planted itself above mine.

I immediately recoiled and looked up at the person, and I swear, my heart almost burst from my chest. Too exaggerated? But it's true. As much as I hate to admit.

And, since no one else can hear my thoughts, his chocolate brown eyes still sparkled with quiet mischief, his lips quirked in a permanent scowl, and his usually disheveled hair, made me want to reach out and ruffle it even further. He also wore his signature style, denim jacket over an overly designed tee and perfectly fitted jeans. Damn it.

"Hey glitters" 

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