Chapter 11

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Wattpad's been trippy so , sorry , it's short !

Give me a lot of feedback & I'll update two or three times before July 4th !

Chapter 11

Dayiona's POV:




* Recap *

* At The Studio *

When we pulled up they had people everywhere & there was a red carpet , paparazzi was everywhere and all.

When I walked up , I gave a long speech and then it was time to cut the red tape .

" 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 ! " I cut the tape to my studio.

" wow , all these people are here for me ? "

* Recap over *

There were food and drinks for the guests. I hugged Trevon once again.

"how did you do all of this bae ? " I asked him.

" Don't worry about that . "

He walked off and went to the front of the building.

" I would like to have everyone's attention . " he said grabbing a microphone. When it got quiet he started talking. " i would like to start off by saying thanks everyone for coming. This was actually a surprise to Dayiona. This is my gift to her for always being here for me & just for being the person she is. I love you Dayiona . " everyone " ohh'd " & " aww'd " .

I had a big ass smile on my face. My eyes were watering a bit. I wiped my eyes and walked to the front.

I hugged Tre and he handed me the microphone.

" Wow , this is like a dream come true. I don't even know how to explain. I first want to think everyone for coming out to support me. Welcome to the Diamond Factory, this is a place of dance & love. If you want to register your child / children , there will have someone passing out registration papers . The first meeting will be held a week from today at 6:00 . Don't be late ! The age groups are from 4-17 . They have Baby Diamonds, Sophomore Diamonds and Senior Diamonds.The Baby Diamonds are from 4-8, the Sophomores are from 9-12 , and the Seniors are from 13-17 . I'm saying ages now , but you move up based on your performances . Anyways , I'm not going to get into that right now. I'll save it all for next week. Don't be on Colored People time either. The meeting will start promptly at 6:05 , bring your children with you . But I don't wanna to keep you long . Thanks for coming & I hope to see you all next week. Goodnight." I said and I put the mic down.

I walked to the guests and I spoke to some of them. Many people wanted to take pictures with me, so I did that too.

After about another 30 minutes, we started to wrap it up. Everyone started leaving and me and Trevon cleaned up.

" thank you so much bae . " I told him again.

" I'm Daddy to you . "

" Okay , Daddy . " I said with a smirk on my face and he smacked my ass.

" You ready ?," he asked me. I nodded my head. I grabbed his hand. We walked put hand and hand. " Imma lock the door bae. It's a lil cold out here. " he said.

I walked to the car and started it from the passenger side. He got in and gave me a long , nice kiss.

" I love you bae. " I told him.

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