Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Dayiona's POV:

*One Month later *

" How you feeling ? " I asked Dre as we laid down. Ever since Yellow died he's been distant , but he's slowly starting to communicate with me now. The kids are his happiness.

" I'm straight " he replied. I sighed.

" You love me Dre ? "

" Yeah "

" Tell me you love me "

" I love you Daiyona " he said.

" Give me a kiss "

He leaned in and kissed me. We haven't kissed in a while. I got on top of him and started grinding on him. I felt him getting harder by the minute.

As soon as we were starting to get naked one of the babies started crying. I sighed and headed to their rooms. I picked up Diamond's spoiled ass. Dre holds her all day everyday and she's just so spoiled.

I fixed her a bottle and sat in a rocking chair to rock her back to sleep. She's so pretty , she's a girl version of Dre. After a few minutes she dozed off and I placed her back in her crib. I looked at Jeremiah's crib and he looked different . He looked a little pale . I felt his head and it was cold . I checked his pulse and felt nothing. I checked his heartbeat and felt nothing. I instantly started screaming and crying. Dre ran in the room and I couldn't stop screaming. Ohhmyyfuckinggoshh. Why me God? Why my little one month old had to go ? Why he had to leave me? Why?

The ambulance came instantly, but it was too late. They got a body bag and tried to place my baby in it. I quickly snatched him away from them and hugged him and kissed him.

" wake up , wake up jerry baby ! Wake up for mommy ! " I cried out . The people pulled him away from me and Dre held me back. I started screaming as they took him out.

I looked up to see Takari crying. I couldn't say anything, because I was crying myself. Takari's birthday is in a few days and she has to deal with this . My poor Jeremiah. He was the quietest , funniest , and best acting baby . Jerry was a good little boy. My first boy. My love . Why ? Why did he have to go ? It was too good to be true. Lord please give me strength.

I sat there crying and holding Takari in my arms.

* The Next Day *

I didn't go to sleep last night. I held my Phatty all night and cried. My heart was aching and my stomach was hurting.

When Takari woke up she told me she had a bad dream last night. I didn't mind asking her what it was, because I already knew.

" Go ask your daddy to make you some breakfast. " I told her. I felt as if I couldn't move. Then I felt warmness over my body. " I with you forever mommy. Get up " I could have sworn I heard a voice say. That brought a smile to my face. Tears instantly started falling from my eyes , but I got up.

Big Mama came and got Diamond last night and my dad got Cairo. I heard the doorbell ring and I opened to see my bestfriend Trevon. I instantly hugged him and I bursted into tears.

"It's going be alright Bestfriend. Jerry wouldn't want to see his mommy crying. Make him proud girl. " That also brought a smile to my face, but I also started crying thinking of failure.
He stood there hugging me the whole time. My Bestfriend was alway here when I needed him , I never had to question his loyalty and he's over all niggas cause he never up and left me.

Takari: VonVon what's wrong with mommy ?

Tre: nothing Phat. Go in your room so I can talk to your mommy.

Dre walked in the living room.

Dre: wassup Trevon ?

Trevon: wassup nigga *daps Dre *

Dre: they did a autopsy Day you ready to go up there ?

Me: they'll call my phone. I can't look at him again right now.

Dre: alright . Imma head by my moms.

Me: I love you .

Dre: I love you too

When he walked out I sat on the sofa.

Me: what am I suppose to do ?

Tre: be a strong woman and take care of Takari & the twins .

Me: Trevon , he was a good baby . He was so sweet. He only cried like once a day. He was everything I wanted a baby to be .

Tre: you have his footprints ?

Me: yeah, in his baby book.

Tre: you should get a tattoo of his foots print from his birth till rest .

Me: you going come with me ?

Tre: yeah . you just know I gotchu.

Me: I wanna get it before the funeral.

Tre: go take a shower and do something to your hair looking like a rugrat .

I smiled at his disgusting ass.

Me: I gotta watch Takari

Tre: Imma watch my damn godchild, now don't take long or Imma come check on you. Don't do nothing I wouldn't do lil nigga .

I got up and went to my bathroom to run bath water. I grabbed some wine and stripped naked. The water felt good on my body. I immediately started crying. My baby is really gone. I grabbed the bottle of wine and started taking it to the head. I started getting dizzy and I got an uneasy feeling in my stomach. I sat there in the water dozing off to sleep. I put my head under the water not really paying attention.

??: DAYIONA , what the fuck you doing ?

Trevon looked pissed off.

Me: this is too much . *giggles*

Tre: you drunk as hell .

I watched him as he started washing me off. When he finished he got a dry towel and picked me up. He then placed me on my bed.

Tre: go to sleep .

Me: I'm not even tired .

Tre: go your ass to sleep .

He closed the door and turned the lights off and I fell asleep.

When I woke up I had a little headache and I noticed I was naked. I immediately put on some clothes. I looked at the clock to see it was 1:15 p.m. The sun was shining bright through my penthouse. I ran to the babies room to hopefully see my Jerry there, but he wasn't. I started to cry once again. I walked in the living room to see Takari and Trevon playing the Xbox.

"VonVon I beat you again . Now give me my money ! " Takari yelled at Trevon with one hand in on her hips and one hand out for Trevon to pay up. I laughed as Trevon took a stack of money out of his pocket and gave it to her.

Tre: you breaking me . I don't wanna play anymore.

Takari laughed and started hugging him.

Tre: you my favorite god-daughter in the whole wide world.

Takari: you my favorite Paran (another word for godfather in the south ) in the whole wide world !

I took a picture of them. My phone started ringing right when I put it down. I knew it was the hospital, because the caller ID said so .

Me: hello ?

??: hi , is this the parent of Jeremiah
King ?

Me: yes it is , whose speaking.

??: Dr. Franklin , the people from the autopsy department sent a few packages for you and they have the results . It seems as if Jeremiah just stopped breathing.

Me: well I have two more twins, he was a triplet. Should i be worried for them ?

Trevon grabbed my phone and out if on speaker.

Dr: Loss of both twins is thankfully a rare event: fewer than 1 in 100 families who lose one twin will lose the second twin from the same cause. You can get them checked out. Survivors will have their living child(ren) carefully examined by a physician after a death of a co-twin or triplet, and will make decisions about the care of the survivor(s).

Trevon: what ahoy the parents ?

Dr: Most studies of multiple birth loss have focused on the parents' grief reactions to loss. These studies reveal that parents grieve just as intensely for loss of a twin as for loss of a singleton. The grief process is, if anything, more complicated than singleton loss. One obvious reason for this is that parents are trying to attach to an infant while simultaneously mourning deeply. Parents also are working through the loss of a special type of parenting, the loss of raising a full set of multiples together, and knowing how it would have been and the relationships the children would have had with each other.

Me: thank you Dr. Franklin , fax the parts to me *hangs up *

Tre: what's next ?

Me: pay somebody to plan the funeral .

Ra'Kelsie's POV :




I would have never thought that I would be engaged. I would have never thought I would fall inlove again. I would have never thought that I would be a proud mommy to a child that didn't come out of my womb. I would have never thought that I would date someone in the game. I would have never thought that the person who showed me how to love again would die. I guess I was as blind as ever.

Ever since Yellow died, I decided not to move back in with my mom. It's harder to be happy while he's not here, but Brooklyn acts just like him and she keeps a smile on my face.

" Mommy , look " Brooklyn pointed to a lady getting some groceries. Me and my mom looked at each other confused. Then my mom rolled her eyes.

" That's Corrine " she whispered in my ear. I instantly started to get mad.
I grabbed Brooklyn's arm and we turned around.

As we headed to the line i felt someone tap my arm. I looked around to see Corrine.

C: I'm hi , I'm -

Me: you don't have to introduce yourself , I'm aware of who you are .

C: you must be Yellow's lil girlfriend. Well I heard he's dead. So that means I get Brooklyn.

Me: no bitch. that's not what that means , you wasn't here for her so don't take her away from me.

C: watch me . I'm her mom.

My mama pulled out her maze and sprayed her in her eyes.

Mom: back the fuck up bitch. Stay the fuck away, you fucking with the wrong ones bitch .

Corrine started screaming and crying. We paid for our groceries and headed to my mom's house like nothing happened.

" Ma I think she going try to take Brooklyn " I told her honestly.

" Imma have you a fire ass lawyer. It's going to be harder though, because of the fact that she gave birth to Brooklyn. "

" What it she take her ? "

" Don't think like that . I'm bout to head bye Dayiona to see how she doing. You coming ? "

" Yes, I'll come "

I walked into the living room to see Brooklyn sleeping. I picked her up and brought her to the car.

Nique's POV:




Its been a few months since I started working at this fast food restaurant, this ain't for me. Luckily I ran into this woman who said her job is hiring. Only thing is it at a strip club. The hottest strip club of the year called " Ace Island ". She told me that they needed a new sexy, bold, young face. I'm about to be 20, so I got this.

I put on some black tights, a red crop top , and my Bred 11's . My hair was in some nice curls , since my hair was in rollers all day.

This 20 inch Malaysian hair is giving me everything. My body is developed all the way now. My ass is big , my breasts are average , I'm still short as hell though . I like it that way.

"Ma I'm going out . Imma be back "

" Where you think you going ? " she asked me.

" Out "

" Daranique , girl you in my house . You not going no fucking where with out me knowing. "

I grabbed the keys to the Benz that Dre brought for me and started walking out.

" If you leave don't come back. "

" I won't. "

I walked out and slammed the door. When I pulled up at Ace Island, I texted the woman from earlier, who goes by the name of " Mighty Monica." She's a veteran stripper and
she's been all over the globe.

She came outside and brought me in through the back door. When I walked through the back door, I was amazed. The back of this place was Royalty. I can only imagine what the front is like. Instead of having trashy looking women, the women looked classy like Victoria Secret models with asses.

She led me into this office, which was as nice as everything else.

Mm: this is my husband. Baby, this is someone I met today and I would love to make her one of the dancers here. She looks brand new, her body and face shoes it all. Look at her ass.

Her husband was dark skinned, his hair was cut into a fade and he had gold teeth. He wasn't as bad looking as you would think.

"Turn around , let me see that ass " he instructed me. I spun around so he could see my whole body. He had a smile on his face. "How old are you? "

" 19 , I'll be 20 in March "

" You can start today. Bae we bout to make billions off of this new body. " he told Mighty Monica. She smiled also. " I'm Kilo you're new boss. You have anything in mind Youngbuck ? "

" Tropical Smalls " I told him.

" I like that "

Monica grabbed my arm and let me out of the office.

M: we have a handful of celebrities coming here tonight & we have groups of dancers. I have a few outfits for you to wear. We go online and go over the top for our "outfits " .

She showed me three different "outfits" . They're mainly tops that reveal most of my breast and fancy like thongs. My favorite was a gold studded crop top that stopped right after my nipples and some shorts that was shorter than underwear.

Mm: I want you to learn a dance. The club is opening in a few hours and I need you to know this so you can do a group dance with the others. I'm trusting you to open and close the club, because the men will keep wanting more. You got this ?

I nodded my head. I'm about to be making some good money.


This is just a lil something something so y'all aren't kept waiting.

• Dayiona lost her son ?

• Takari was there

• Is Trevon a good Bestfriend ?

•Takari is growing up ?

• Corrine wants Brooklyn back ?

•KeKe ain't playing ?

• Nique is about to be a stripper ?

• Should she or should she not ?

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