Untitled Part 7

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"I'm sorry, you're WHAT?" I was stunned. I could hardly get that out even.

Jo just stared at me. Looking the most vulnerable I've ever seen her look. She seemed to be struggling with her words too. 

"Well, I'm, well I'm technically not married I guess?" It sounded more like a question, something she wasn't really sure of. "He signed the papers today, so I guess I'm not technically married anymore."

"You.... you married someone?" My heart sank, this was a totally new feeling to me. I was crushed, I felt betrayed. Not just that she married someone but that she never even told me. "Why didn't you ever tell me?" 

"I didn't really tell anyone...my parents didn't even know."

"What? Why? Jo, what's going on?"

By now I had stepped back a few feet from her. She seemed to shrink as she was telling me this. She was acting so different.

"I'm sorry Zac. I just had to tell you... We got married only after knowing each other for a few weeks. Dumb, I know. But I thought I had fallen. I knew my family wouldn't approve of mey hasty decision so I hid it from them."

"But why are you getting divorced...?" I asked rather harshly.

She looked up at me. Searching my eyes for something. She bit her lip and looked like she was about to cry. "Because of you..."

What? Was I hearing her correctly?

"How the hell is it because of me? We hadn't seen each other for years jo." I was starting to feel pissed off. All these emotions mixed with the alcohol were not treating me well.

"Your last show in New York... I was there."

"You were? Why didn't you tell me? I would have loved to see you."

"Jace was with me and Kate was at that show...I didn't want to cause any drama. Jace didn't know I knew you guys either...didn't feel like telling him I used to date the drummer." 

Ha. I let out a soft chuckle. "True."

"Well... Seeing you guys really made me realize how much I missed home. How much I missed music, my family, my best friends, you..."

My stomach was currently doing flips. I sort of felt like I was going to puke. 

"You sang Wish That I Was There that night..."

"Yeah, I did." I wrote that song about Jo... 

"Hearing you sing that and seeing you again... I literally cried. In the middle of your fucking concert. I knew I had to come home. I didn't know what I was doing there anymore or with Jace. It was a mistake. It's always been you Zac...always." She paused for a moment before continuing. "I waited a few weeks before finally getting the guts to do it. I quit my job, signed the papers, left them on the kitchen counter, packed my shit and left. Jace knew it was coming. He texted me today to tell me he finally signed and it was officially over."

"This is fucked up Jo."

"I know. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about all that crap, I'm sorry I left you years ago, I'm sorry you're married, I'm sorry about all this shit...I'm sorry I'm still in love with you Zac." 

I didn't know what to say. I was in love with her still too. I wanted to be with her. More than anything. 

I stepped closer to Jo and put her hands in mine. "I love you too."  Man it felt good to say that. "I'm so fucking crazy for you Jo. I've never stopped loving you." I lifted her hand to my lips and placed a soft kiss on the back of her hand. "Let's do this."

"But Kate."

"Fuck it. I'll ask for a divorce. I'm pretty sure she's seeing someone else anyways."

"Zac, she'll take half of 3cg and like everything you have."

"You think I didn't make her sign a prenup?" 

"This is crazy. I can't ask you to leave your wife, Zac."

"You didn't ask me, I offered. I haven't been happy with her for a long time. This is a good thing. I'm willing to take the risks for you."  Somehow I sounded confident and sure of my decision but inside I was sort of freaking out. Jo reached up and pulled me down to her and planted the sweetest, most passionate kiss on my lips that I've ever experienced and I was instantly lost in her. 

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