Untitled Part 9

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I stood at Jo's front door with a bag full of taco bueno. I rang her doorbell and anxiously waited for her to answer. 

"Just a sec!" I heard her yell from somewhere in the house. 

I reached down and turned the door knob, letting myself in. 

"Jo?" I hollered hesitently from the entryway. I set the food down on the coffee table and walked towards her room. I could hear music coming from her room and some rustling. 

"God damnit." I heard Jo quietly cussing at something. 

I stopped dead in my tracks in her doorway. Jo was in the sexiest little number I've ever seen. She was trying to undo the clasp to the lacey blue number she had on. I don't think she realised I was there so I took the opportunity to sneak up behind her and help her out. Boy did I want to help her out of this outfit. 

I reached my hand out to undo the clasp which caused Jo to jump about three feet in the air.

"Oh holy shit!! Zachary!! You fucking scared me!"  The look on her face was priceless as she stood there holding the lacey number over her chest. 

I couldn't help but laugh. "Is this for me?" I asked while toying with the straps that were falling off her shoulders. 

"Taylor was supposed to be stopping by..." She couldn't hide the smirk at the end. "A threesome would be pretty hot with you two..." 

"Aw! Josephine! No! Why!" I closed my eyes and shook my head. Way to ruin my semi. 

"Two hot brothers...and me...."

"So you think Tay is hot?"

"Well duh. Especially with that beard...mmmm" 

"Okay! Seriously! No more insestual stuff! I'm here to fuck you. And only you. Oh and eat tacos." I couldn't hide my laughter. This girl was crazy. 

"Tacos?! Did you bring me tacos?!"

"Us! I brought us tacos!" 

Jo ran from her room to the living room where the bag of tacos was sitting. She plopped down on the couch and immediately unwrapped a taco. She was still in her blue Lacey lingerie, which with her back fully exposed. 

"This is probably the hottest thing I've ever seen." I just stood there watching this sexy tanned, tattooed, redhead who was barley clothed devouring tacos. Jo looked up at me and winked. My heart melted. This is the life I want. I want to come home to this every night. 

I sat down beside her and dug into the bag. We sat there silently for a while just enjoying the food and the comfortableness. I was beginning to feel a little over dressed though, seeing as Jo was still so exposed. I kicked my shoes off and began unbuttoning my shirt. Jo turned to watch me suspiciously, taco still in hand. I continued to undress myself until I was down to my boxers. I reached into the bag to grab another taco when I saw her smile out of the corner of my eye. 

"We are so weird." Jo said mid bite. 

"We are perfect."  

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