Chapter 5

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Keith's POV

Shaun.... He.....He kissed me...... He kissed me ! This was my first kiss ! I wasn't expecting it to be this way.....I wanted my first kiss to be in a more romantic scenario,but here I am,on top of Shaun ,just looking at him,shocked by the fact he did something like that.

I moved and sat next to him,covering my mouth with both of my hands,still in shock. "Come on dude,it was just a little-" "THIS WAS MY FIRST KISS,YOU IDIOT !" I yelled at him with pure anger. He widened his eyes "What....? How.......? I-i mean,you're so handsome and I just thought that..... You know,you were used to this kind of....... activities." He told me,stuttering the whole time and pausing frequently,just to recollect his thoughts,I guess. My cheecks turned deep red and I looked away. "T-thank you,S-shaun...."I thanked him quietly.

Shaun's POV

WOW.....I was his first kiss ! I feel so honoured. I mean,I wasn't lying when I told him that he's handsome. I'm actually really surprised that no one else had the urge to kiss him at least once. I just can't stop looking at him,especially now.....He seems so flustered and vulnerable and it just......

It makes me want more.

I grabbed him aggressively and crashed my lips into his. He gasped,making it very easy for me to slide my tongue into his mouth. I closed my eyes,so I could feel him better,and started exploring every inch of his mouth with my tongue. It was so warm,wet and welcoming,even though he didn't seem to like the idea of me kissing him. Suddenly,I could feel his tongue moving and touching mine. My heart literally skipped a beat when he did that,and that's coming from a drummer.

I stopped,gasping for air and looked at him. He looked at me too,his eyes filled with confusion,yet a bit of lust too "Shaun,can we......can this one more time please ? This is all so new to me and stuff,but I.......I liked it" He said shyly. I just smirked "If you really want it,come and get it." I said playfully. He blushed and moved so close to me that I could feel his breath. I was the first one who started kissing him yet again,but this time he had a bit more confidence. He grabbed my waist,closing our gap and I softly bit his bottom lip. Then we looked deep into each other's eyes and we silently agreed that this was enough for our first time together.

Jasen's POV

I saw everything. Shaun didn't close the door well enough and there was a small gap,from where everyone who's observant,like me, could see everything. My first instinct was to take a picture with my phone. I've always had a passion for both photography and solving problems. Although I have to admit that this is going to cause more problems than it will solve.

But I think they both deserve to get in trouble after this. Wasn't Keith the one looking at Ben for endless hours while we were practising ? Wasn't he the one who had an obvious crush on Ben,that everyone else seemed to ignore ? What the hell is he doing with Shaun ???

I would call him a manwhore if he was with anyone else BUT Shaun. That guy can make ANYONE fall for him. He can make lesbian girls straight and straight men gay. But he's also a well known heartbreaker and I'm afraid that Keith is just another one of his victims. I really hope that this case is different.

I won't talk to anyone about what I saw. Not yet. I don't want to ruin the mood for our first concert. I will talk to Aaron when the right time comes. He always knows what to do and everyone comes to him for advice. Ben is so lucky to have him as his best friend. Well,it's time to make breakfast.

Ben's POV

I woke up and immediately got out of bed. Today is the big comeback. I put some clothes on and run downstairs,where everyone was waiting for me. "Good morning !" said everyone,completely in sync. I sat down and ate quickly,since everyone else had already eaten and then I stood up and I shouted: "ARE YOU GUYS READY TO ROCK ?" "HELL YEAH,LET'S DO THIS" everyone replied,even louder. So we all grabbed our instruments,except for Keith,of course and left to do our sound check.

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