-_Dusty Dreams. Part 2_-

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Sans POV~

I look up at the screen that showed the horrible memory. Why? I wonder. "Why?" I ask aloud instead,but only as a whisper as I seem to have lost the ability to speak for the most part. "Why me?" I ask a little louder,regaining some of my voice,but it's horse. "WHY?!" I yell with a new found strength,but also an even worse feeling of dread. "Because. I W I L L M A K E Y O U S U F F E R . 5 A - N 5 . . ." Chara appears confront of me again with a look of pure hatred.

The world fades a little but not enough for me to wake up. Damn it. The screen starts to play something else. Oh no. Please no..

"Test readings positive." "Good. Sans, get to your station. Now." A tall skeleton in a lab coat stands proud in front of some sort of machine labeled "T5". A shorter,younger skeleton in a lab coat is walking over a control panel a few yards away from the rest of the equipment and the machine. "Alright.." The young Sans seemed kinda down at whatever thought ran through his head. Gaster looked over at him,noting how hopeless his voice sounded. "Sans,are you alright? You seem to be having-" the taller was interrupted by the humming of the machine behind him. "..oh..of course..well.. there's no going back now,so..I'm sorry..5A-N5.."

The Sans looked shocked at the name,but he still pushed some buttons on the panel he was now in front of and said some scientific stuff to the lizard who had been making sure that sure that nothing went wrong. "Isabel. I hope you realize how dangerous this is. He could get lost in time and space forever. Only a 1% of success to find another world and make it back in two pieces,much less one. It's too risky." The lizard looked up at Sans with sorrowful eyes. "I know. He knows. We all know.. But listen when I say this. Your dad will be fine. He's strong. He wouldn't leave you and your brother." After a moment of staring, Sans nodded and the pink reptilian monster walked over to the machine.

The T5 stared whirring up and Gaster went inside. "Good luck..dad" Sans muttered under his breath as the machine began to disappear like how it was "supposed" to. The ground started to shake and bits and pieces of the T5 fell off. Red lights of alarm went off and the machine,with Gaster inside,sank into some sort of sink hole thing,pulling the other lab workers down with it.

"No! NONONONO!! NO!" Sans shouted as his father began to melt along with his coworkers. Then, without warning, the machine exploded, pushing Sans back at least 10 feet and causing his panel to break and fly at him, lodging into his bones like a knife through butter. The last thing he saw before passing out was the lack of machine and people. "Dad.." he murmured as he slipped into unconsciousness.

The image faded away completely as tears ran down my face. "I've never seen you cry before,Comedian~." The demon giggled at my state. "But don't worry. I'll end your pain. Right here. Right now." A knife appeared in her hand and her eyes went to long red slits and her mouth grew and dripped black inky stuff. She ran at me full force and sliced me across the chest but before I even started to turn to dust, she stabbed my skull through my right eye socket. Well right above my socket,but still. It hurt. Just like my tears still stung on my cheekbones. Everything faded away as I turned to dust.

I scream so loud that I swear people on the surface can hear me. I bolt up breathing hard with sweat dripping down my whole body. I cough up something but it's too dark to see it. I turn on my eye so I can see and I freeze. I spat out more blood and it sends my throat screaming. Then I hear a door crack open. My door. "SANS? ARE YOU OKAY?" It's Papyrus. Thank Thor. I go to speak only to be cut off by another cough of blood. Papyrus sees this and instantly rushes to my side. "SANS! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?! WHAT'S WRONG!? IS THAT BLOOD? WE CAN'T BLEED! WHAT'S GOING ON!?" I try to speak again but it's hard. My throat hurts and my SOUL feels like it's on fire. I begin to have to take heaving breaths to get enough air. I can't breath.

"B-bro...it hurts.." I manage. Papyrus suddenly picked me up and carries me down stairs and places me next to a lump on the couch. Then I remember that Frisk stayed over last night. She looked over at me with worry etched on her face. "Are you okay? You look to be in pain. And I heard you scream. Did you have a nightmare?" Papyrus comes back from the kitchen with a glass of water and a pain pill. He holds them out to me and I take them. I nod at the kid's questions since I can't really speak that well yet.

"BROTHER,WHAT HAPPENED?" Pap asked with concern clear in his voice before he got a rather serious look on his face. "WAIT. DID YOU TAKE YOUR MEDICINE LAST NIGHT?" I nod, sheepishly after replaying what I did last night for a few moments. "BROTHER,THAT'S VERY DANGEROUS! YOU COULD HAVE ANOTHER PANIC ATTACK AND LOOSE YOUR ABILITY TO BREATH! AGAIN!!" Papyrus shouted causing me to flinch a bit at his slight lectury voice. "S-sorry,bro. *cough* I-I forgot..what with th-the human staying..over." I apologize and he seems a bit more worried than mad,now. I cough more and blood comes through my teeth again. I suddenly feel weak and fall off the couch. "C..call...A-Al..phys.." I whisper before I fall into unconsciousness.

~time skip~

I open my eyes to pain. My skull is pounding and my throat is screaming. At least I can breath a bit better than before. "Sans? Are you awake?" I here a feminine voice ask. "Y-yeah.." I wince at the pain in my magical throat. "W-what happened?" I ask the lizard next to the table I'm lying on. "I don't really know what happened,but from what I gathered from Papyrus,your sick and need to take these pills as soon as you get home, or you'll need to stay here over night." "Great" I mumble,as I can't really do anything else. "Where's Pap?" I ask her. "I told Papyrus he was to wait outside while I examined you. Do you want him to come back in?" "Sure. Does he know that I'm sick?" The lizard looks at me with an unreadable expression. "No,he doesn't,but you should tell him. I'll go get him." "Thanks,Al." A few minutes later I here the door slam open and see Pap run through the door. "BROTHER! ARE YOU OKAY!?" He runs up to me and I sit up,painfully. "Y-yeah. Just sick,I guess." I reply cooly,my voice a bit horse. "OK. I SHALL BRING YOU-WAIT, WHAT!? SICK!? HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!? ARE YOU GONNA DIE!? ARE YOU GONNA BE OKAY!? PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE GONNA BE OKAY!!"

I blink up at my overprotective brother before I speak "Pap, I'm fine. Chill out, I'm not gonna die! Right al? I'm not gonna die?" I joke. "Sans! Be serious! And stop scaring your brother like that! Your not gonna die!..unless you don't take your Bronchitis pills.."

(A-N- explanation in the next chapter so lay off about my lack of explanation here)

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