Four: Mistake

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The small house was quiet. Too quiet. Tyler was frightened as he tip-toed down the carpeted staircase. He peered over the railing. There was no sign of his drunken mother which scared Tyler. She was either passed out, or out of the house. Tyler was hoping for the latter. 

Carefully, Tyler's bare foot came in contact with the cold, wooden floors of the kitchen. He looked around once more. Nothing. This was his chance.

Quickly, but quietly, Tyler made his way over to the cupboards in search of food. He would go to the fridge, where the good stuff was, but Kelly had locked it so only she could get in. 

Once the cupboard was open, Tyler searched for anything he could quickly eat. There were canned tomatoes and beans, but Tyler didn't know where the can opener was. Noodles, jars of sauce and cereal. Cereal! 

Tyler's eyes almost popped out of his head when he spotted the box of corn flakes. They weren't the tastiest brand of cereal, but it was food and Tyler was hungry. 

Tyler didn't want to risk his mother hearing the bag crinkle, so instead, he just decided to take the entire box to his room, leave some up there for him to eat, then bring the box back down and put it back. Hopefully she wouldn't notice the small amount missing. 

He had the box in hand. Tyler closed the cupboard and make his way through the kitchen again. He was almost home free. 

His foot was in the first step of the stairs when the loud, high pitch ringing echoed through the house.  The door bell. Tyler wasn't allowed to answer the door, so he knew if his mother was home, she would answer it. 

He immediately knew she was home when he heard the ceiling squeak from above. She was coming and he needed to hide. But where? He stood frozen at the stairs and his mother was coming fast. 

Quickly he turned around, his destination clear in his mind. He had to put the cereal back. 

"Tyler!" The small brunette winced at her voice. It was loud and intimidating. The door bell rang again. "And just what do you think you are doing?" She came stomping down the stairs fast. 

"No! I hungry! Food! Hurt!" 

"You stay right there! I'll deal with you in a minute." Instead of going for Tyler, she went towards the door, tightening her robe as she opened the door. 

Tyler had a view of the door and could see someones small, purple shoes. 

"Who are you?" Kelly spoke. 

"I'm Jenna! Is Tyla here?" 

Kelly snickered and looked over her shoulder at the boy. He had placed the box down on the floor next to him. She looked back down at the girl. "You know Tyler?" 

Jenna nodded. "Mmhm! He's my knew friend! I met him at school yesterday."

"Is this true?" She asked Tyler who nodded quickly.

Kelly laughed. "Tyler doesn't have friends." She smiled and slammed the door. She didn't have time to deal with another brat, she already had one she had to take care of. 

Jenna didn't understand and was sad, but she knew she would seen Tyler again soon. 

"Mama, I sorry!" Tyler pleaded. Every step she took towards him, he took one back. "Please!" He wanted to run, but he already knew from experience that if he ran he's be in even more trouble. 

"Did I SAY you could have those!" She pointed to the now tipped over box. Small pieces were now all over the wood and spilling over to the carpet. "And look at the mess you made you little shit! All you do, is destroy things!" 

Tyler was now against a wall. His hands over his head and tears were spilling onto the wood. "Hungry." He whispered. 

"Do you know who's going to have to clean that up?" Tyler's legs started shaking, his ears started ringing and he started to panic. "You are and before you do that, I want you to go get my belt!" 

"N-no. Please-please." Everything around him was growing dark. He was trapped. 

"You know the punishment! NOW GO!" Kelly roared, sending Tyler running up the stairs. Kelly sighed and leaned against the wall. "Why did I decide to keep this mistake?" 

BROKEN *Joshler* -Book 2-Where stories live. Discover now