How to annoy.... Doctor Who!

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Ugh- it's my copy... I bet there's a longer list here... oops


-Don't ask him were Rose is

-He'll get upset

-Then drag you along to look for her

-Don't tell him that the Daleks and the Cybermen teamed up with the weeping angels and the Master

-He'll go Batshit crazy

-We don't want him to go batshit crazy


-Don't call him Theta Sigma

-It pisses him off

-Don't insult the scarf

-Or the Fez

-Or bowties

-Better yet, don't insult his outfit

-At all

-Or you'll die

-Don't tell him about 'that'

-He's still innocent, man

-Don't tell him that you're taking him to the statue gardens

-He'll freak

-Don't call him 'Sweetie'

-Don't repeat the same line over and over

-Don't repeat the same line over and over

-Don't repeat the same line over and over

-Don't repeat the same line over and over

-Don't repeat the same line over and over

-Don't repeat the same line over and over

-Don't repeat the same line over and over

-Don't say 'Come along, Pond' near him

-Don't tell him that the Master returned

-Don't ask him if he hears drums

-Don't tell him about Daleks returning

-Better yet.... don't tell him anything

-Just be the statue

-Nevermind... that'll scare him even more


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