Chapter 2: Unit 3

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         I rushed outside the room and slammed the door behind me. This is so embarassing. What will he think about me? Urgh! You are an idiot Akanksha! I started walking around the living room cursing at myself. I should apologize to him afterall I need his help that's when I saw him standing behind me, looking at him my face became red I can feel this tickling feeling in my gut just like how I felt when I terrorized Aman on the street. He doesn't look angry at all. This is not the expression I was expecting from a guy who saw  the first think in the morning is a dead girl sitting right in front of  him. He started laughing. Seriously! Is he out of his mind? Why does he always have to laugh when I am in an awkward situation? He said, “ What were you doing beside my bed? Were you trying to... I didn't let him finish his sentence “No,” I snapped at him. “Then why are you blushing?” He giggled. “I am not blushing,” I said. Then I started laughing well, we had a good laugh together.

       I can remember the last time I had a good laugh, it was with my best friend, the only person who understood me, Urja. Thinkining about Urja my knees became wobbly, I ignored that feeling and laughed with Aman. Embarassing moments are not bad you can have a good laugh about them. He is so different from the people I knew when I was alive, they always insulted me, my parents we're kind of ashamed because of me, they always laughed at me never with me.

        I came back to my senses when Aman offered me coffee I don't know when he made it, I was completely indulged in my thoughts. I don't know whether I would be able to eat or drink something but still I took the mug in my hands and Aman sat beside me on the couch. He smiled at me and asked the most awaited question, “ How did you die?” “I don't remember,” I replied. “ You don't remember how you died. That's so strange,” he said. “ What can be stranger then speaking to a soul?” I asked sarcastically and he smirked. “ Well the memories of your death are erased so that you can go to your next life easily,” I informed him. “ So what about the rest of your life aren't they erased?” he asked. I think he is also interested in things which are beyond science. “ Once you are born again you remember everything until you learn to talk because by that time a lot of new memories gets accumulated above the old ones, so it becomes almost impossible to reach them.” I explained him. “So we know everything about our past life the memories are just buried deeper inside our minds.” He said excitedly.

          We were having a great time together that's when the doorbell rang and Aman got up to open the door. I was not able to see who is standing outside as Aman was blocking the view. When he moved aside... No he was pushed aside by three men, I mean huge, bulky men. They punched him on his face and he stumbled backwards covering his nose, when he moved his hands I could see blood streaming out from his nose. Anger rushed through my virtual body but before I could do anything I heard the man who punched Aman say, “ You cheater, give me my money or else I will kill you.”
“ Wait kabir! I will pay you just give me one more... Ouch! Day,” Aman pleaded. The man punched him on his stomach this time and he fell beside by feet, he raised his head towards me and I crouched down and asked him, “ What the hell is happening here?” He replied, “ They are my landlords I haven't paid the rent for the last three months. Can you do some magic and make them go away?” I know Aman should have payed his rent but no landlord should beat their customers into a pulp. One of the men from the ‘ bulky trio’ said, “ With whom are you talking to? Come and pay me right now or else... Before he could finish his sentence I summoned enough power to raise him above the ground I just flicked my fingers and he fell two feet away from where he was standing. Aman turned towards me and mouthed, “ Good, want more.” I nodded and send the other two flying outside the house. They started screaming, “ Ghost! Ghost! Ghost!” They ran away without taking their accomplice. The loser who fell two feet away crawled outside the house and didn't get the courage to turn around and at least look at Aman.

           I hope they won't want to come to their house after this incident. Aman closed the door and came closer to me, his nose had stopped bleeding now. I don't think that they have caused much damage to him because he grinned like an idiot and said, “ I would have to go to work. Would you like to come with me?” I agreed without hesitating, What would have I done otherwise? With that he went back to his room for changing and I decided that I won't be peeping inside his room ever.

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