Someones Excited

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When I wake up, I sit in my bed confused. How did I get home last night? The last thing I remember is- oh. I fell asleep in his arms. I know my cheeks have gone red because the memory is so fresh I can't help but blush. Did he bring me home? He must've. I look at myself in the mirror and the stupid smile across my face makes me grin even more. Taehyung took me home, after I fell asleep in his arms to the sound of his voice singing, wrapped in his warmth. My stomach decided to do a backflip and I cover myself with the blankets, one very inhuman noise leaving my mouth. He took me home.
I know now that I definitely have a crush on him. Everything he says makes me laugh and I've found myself just staring at him far too many times. He's so ethereal; it's ridiculous to think he's my age and not some kind of idol I stan and put all my love and affection towards.
The door opens revealing Andy. She smiles warmly and makes her way over to the mess of pillows and blankets I have created.
"Morning." She lies down next to me and I let her take me in a hug. "You know, that pretty boy of yours is real nice. He brought you home last night." She's smirking and that makes me go into fangirl mode once more. The noises I'm making surprise me. "Wow, you haven't squealed like that since we went to K-con and you got to see Taeyong." She giggles at me.
"At least I don't faint when I meet my bias." Andy smacks my arm.
"I didn't faint, I just- he noticed me- and I - Marks just so- he - you know" she breaths in between every word and I can tell she's stressed about it. "I wish I would have-"
"Chill. It's ok- you got to talk to him, now didn't you?" She nods her head.
"Yeah. But what-" I interrupt her.
"No buts. You talked to your bias and he actually enjoyed it right?" She nodded her head again. "So then don't be stressed, just because the only reason you got to talk to him was because you almost fainted is actually quite funny. I'm sure he didn't think you're crazy- so chill." She breaths easily beside me and I turn my head to smile at her. She then does the same.
"Anyway, the concert tickets go on sale in one hour." She turns on her side to face me and I mimic her. "I've already logged in through the computer and my phone. After breakfast I'll log in through the laptop and moms iPad. She left it home for us as well as her credit card number and pin." I nod my head taking in all the information.
"What about the girls?" I look up to her face. "Are the others booking alone or are we getting them for everyone?" She moves into a sitting position, legs crossed in front of her as she pushes her hair away from her face.
"We're getting all the tickets, to make sure we're all in the same place. The girls all payed me yesterday anyway." I nod my head slowly. I can't believe we're going to see NCT again. They're our ultimate bias group, and we've been to all their concerts in Seoul. Plus when we found out that they would be attending K-con at the same time we would be in New York, there was no denying it. We had to see them.
Many other people would say that once you see them in concert one time it's enough. But both Andy and I host fan club meetings in and outside of school for NCT and we help organise events outside concert venues. Last year we sold merchandise outside the concert hall to new fans who wanted to be a part of our family. So no going to only one concert is not enough for us.
"Gigi?" She shakes my arm a little.
"Hmm?" I turn my head black to facing her.
"Will you make me pancakes? Please!" She enlarges her eyes and pouts. I huff at her childish behaviour.
"You're older. You make me food!" I shove her slightly to the side of the bed.
"Yah, older by three minutes!" She pushes me back and we both giggle. "Please, you know I'm a bad cook." I give in to her, simply because I love this house and don't want it to be burnt down to he ground once she decides to cook.
Andy giggle from beside me and hopes up and down from excitement. I just roll my eyes at her behaviour before making my way for he kitchen.
As I mix the pancake batter I let my mind wonder to a specific blond. I wonder what he's up to now. Most likes he's in school- like everyone else our age. Andy and I took the day off to get the tickets- we always do.
I definitely have a crush on him. I know it. I can feel it all the way into my bones and it scares me if I'm honest. To think that I've met him just a little over a month ago and I've already developed feelings is unheard of. I usually get a guy, have my way and then if I'm bored I say goodbye. I've only had one proper boyfriend and maybe three other guys that I sort of dated. The rest were all drunk kisses st parties and nothing more. I don't think I'm a slut. No- I haven't slept with anyone except for Bambam. And that was after the new year, right after mine and Andy's seventeenth birthday.
Bambam and I had been dating for over two years and we mutually decided that we were ready. Looking back, I'm not gonna complain about losing my virginity to him. I loved him very much at the time and I know he did too. We only broke up because during examinations we drifted apart. And then decided that we would be better off as friends. It didn't hurt me to the point of sitting and watching Disney movies with tubs of ice cream like Andy.  However,  I think that he suffered more from it because he stopped going out as much and as hard as I tried I make him hang out with us again he didn't. He moved on and found some new friends- Namjoon and Jungkook. And thinking about it now, I've seen him with that kid Jackson a lot lately. I'm surprised I didn't bump into him at the party.
"I got them! I got the tickets!" Andy rushes in through the kitchen and jumps in the air, tears forming in her eyes. I try to think of how long I've been making pancakes for. Time goes fast. I turn from the pan to Andy and give her a wide smile.
"Which ones did you get? Oh and by the way, help yourself to a pancake." She does as she's told.
"I managed to get us in the pit- all of us." I watch her as she happily prepares her breakfast. "I also managed to work some magic and get something else." At this I turn around completely from the stove and raise an eyebrow. What does she mean work her magic? She took my confused look as a cue to confess her actions. The moment she opened her mouth I dropped the spatula and I knew tears are forming in my eyes. The whole world stopped moving and I was floating in the air. The happiness inside of my body exploded into a billion pieces of confetti and all I could do was shake. Shake so much Andy had to get up from her seat and stop me. After a moment of silence, we both started to fangirl together. I can't believe it- she managed to get the two of us VIP tickets to actually meet the boys of NCT and spend a day with them. I knew that the contest was on, and i knew that Andy signed us up- but never did I ever imagine that the two of us would be lucky enough to spend a day with our idols.
We cry into each other's shoulders, overwhelmed by the news.
"Andy, I can't - I can't believe you - you managed !" My breath is shaky, my cheeks sticky. She runs at the tears under my eyes and smiles .
"Of course I managed! I'm brilliant at this sort of stuff and you know it!" I lean into her for another hug. "You know, we're gonna have to post on Amino about this and I thought that we should create like a special journal for the boys with messages from their fans- I mean the concert is two months away. We have time." I nod my head rapidly, absolutely loving the idea she proposed.
"We should include mini photographs of everyone as well- so the boys get a glimpse of their fans! Usernames too- you never know!" We're both so excited by this that the burning smell of batter only brings me to reality when the smoke alarm begins to beep.
"Yah, Gigi! The pancakes!" Andy runs to the smoke alarm to try and turn it off and I turn to the stove I left unattended. Quickly I move the burn pancake off and begin to fan the smoke out the window. I'm not even upset because I'm going to meet NCT and that's all I ever wanted.

After breakfast I lay in bed and tried to calm myself down. I managed to get my breathing back to a steady pace and then started some work for school. After doing all the paperwork, I moved onto the most dreaded thing of all- math. I gulp when moving towards the book filled with numbers and equations. When I check what work is been given it wasn't very much- yet still enough to make me gag. I began the work and about an hour and a half later found myself finishing. I really hate this subject. It's so hard and even if I do tutoring, and I know I'm improving, i still take so long doing the work and actually trying to understand it. I check to see if Mrs. Kim set me any work and luckily I have none for later on today. When I check the time I decide to start getting ready for the tutor group. I need a shower, so I head for the bathroom with plenty of time to spare until my train arrives.

Once in front of Tae's house, I ring the bell an wait for someone to open. I'm met with the gorgeous smile of a blond. He lets me pass and we both make our way to the classroom.
"How did you sleep?" He turns his head slightly just to get a view of me.
"Good. Thanks for bringing me home yesterday. You know you could have just woke me up." He giggles and my knees turn to jelly. It's just so cute.
"No worries. I tried to wake you up but you were fast asleep so..." he scratches the back of his neck and turns around fully as he comes to a halt. My brain is too slow, leading me straight into his chest. We both grunt and I lose my balance as I begin to fall back. Tae grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me towards him, holding me up.
"You know- you're cute when you sleep." He whispers. His breath hits my ear and everything around me is blurry. He needs to stop being like this. I'm going to have a heart attack soon.
Before he can see my blushing face, I push him away from me and move past him. He chuckles at my actions and follows me though into the room. We sit down at our normal spot and wait for other students to come in. That's when Tae turns to me overly excited.
"Oh my broccoli!" He turns me in my chair to face him and I'm surprised at the childish expression he is showing. "Guess what I did today!" He bounces in his seat, eyes glistening.
"Went to school?" I really don't know what I'm meant to say. The look of disappointment he expresses makes me wish I was better at the guessing game.
"No, pabo. I stayed off today! I got-" he bits his lips and I can tell he's trying to build tension. Then he takes a deep breath and " I got tickets to NCT's concert!" He practically screams it. The next sentence is all in one breath, not giving me time to react " I'm finally going to meet Johnny sunbaenim and I can't wait because Jimin managed to get us into the priority thingy where you get to spend time with them and I want Johnny to teach me how to be a parrot! This is the best day of my life!" He throws his hands in the air and pure excitement is written all over his face.
I tap his shoulder "Hey Tae, guess what?" He turns to me, with the brightest smile and cocks his head to the side. "I'm going too. To NCT ." His smile spreads even wider and he goes in for a hug, squeezing the air out of my lungs. I laugh along with him, sharing his happiness. If I was excited to go to see NCT earlier on, I'm practically dead now. Tae is going too and I can't wait to see his inner fanboy released.

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